Monday, October 16, 2023

Speaking Politically

Politicians who actually say what they mean frequently regret it. You simply cannot be blunt without offending someone, and the media will jump on anything that might give offense. When it comes to Trump and the MAGA's, however, statements that would have buried politicians in the past (and more rational times) are now applauded. One such statement is what Trump said about John McCain:

He's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured, okay? I hate to tell you.[1][9]

Trump may not have paid a price for that statement but I do not mind telling him that we rational beings, who still believe in democracy and service to our country, do not like politicians who are twice impeached, 4 times indicted, found liable for sexual assault and defamation, and found liable for committing fraud when building a realestate business.

Furthermore, the people who still call themselves conservative and still support Trump, regardless of the fact that he is a proven grifter, a liar, and a seditionist, are also supporting a grave security risk who has been indicted for the mishandling of classified documents -- the very thing he said Hillary Clinton should be locked up for doing. And that is not all. As Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi said:

"When former President Donald Trump spoke at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Wednesday [10/11/23], he ostensibly was laying out a vision for American foreign policy in the wake of Hamas’s brutal attack on Israeli citizens last weekend. Instead, Trump kicked an ally while they’re hurting, heaped praise on our mutual enemy Hezbollah and tied the attack to his own delusions of the “stolen” 2020 election. In case anyone had forgotten, Trump’s incoherent remarks reminded us all that he is a fickle friend, a terrible ally and a walking national security risk.”

Just as I was asking myself for umpteenth time where all the cold warriors, the super paranoid, super nationalistic Republicans went I saw:

Extremism is no defense, moderation, no vice. The GOP is whistling past its own graveyard...By vjr7121

Vjr7121's story reminds us of how consistent the nihilism and irrational hatred of government is. With the threat of communism apparently eliminated, the right wing has simply doubled down on its hatred of government and rules. While I agree that “the GOP is whistling past its own graveyard,” we Democrats must be mindful of how our statements and characterizations will be interpreted by independents who are still silly enough to think Republicans will work with anyone for the greater good. Setting the right tone is a difficult thing to do because we also have to make people aware of the threat fascism now poses.

Having said that, I have to admit that if someone asked me what I think will happen if Trump becomes president again, I would tell that person what light-heavy weight champion Billy Conn told a reporter who asked what happened when Billy tried to go toe to toe with heavy weight champion Joe Lewis. “I must have lost my mind,” Billy said. “And when you lose your mind, your ass goes with it!”

I have faith but I'm going to work like hell to make people realize they have to vote to protect democracy and their asses from the right wing lunatics. Yes, I know, someone is bound to tell me that I can't change minds by calling people lunatics, and that is true. But I do not believe the MAGAs read my blog, and I am not high on the ladder of anyone's campaign staff. Which means I can tell the unvarnished truth as I see it.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Malodorous GOP-A-Palooza

Thank you to the reporters who held their noses and attended the GOP's also ran farting contest so that I did not have to. Real undie stainers were blown into the air by Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis, both of whom said Biden should be blamed for the likely government shut down. That is like saying that people held hostage by Russia should be blamed for the actions of Putin! As the Washington Post  points out:

"The Senate is working on a bill to continue funding the government at current levels into mid-November, which would also provision some of the billions of dollars Biden seeks for U.S. aid to Ukraine and for natural disaster relief. The Senate-led bill has the support of the White House and passed a key procedural hurdle Tuesday night in a 77-19 bipartisan vote.

But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Wednesday told his conference in a closed-door meeting that he would not put the Senate bill on the floor in its current form. McCarthy has been trying to appease hard-right holdouts in his conference to pass a bundle of long-term appropriations bill."

I should like to point out that Government shutdowns and impeachments have not worked out very well for the Republicans in the past -- just ask Newt Gingrich and Paul Ryan. But lets face it, the MAGA morons are not bright enough to realize that you can learn form history. So trying to educate them is a fool's errand.

Some of the pundits and reporters seemed to be amused by comments the candidates made about sleeping with union members. I have to admit that the excerpts shown of those comments did not amuse me. What did amuse me was Chris Christie saying that if Trump keeps ducking out of debates he'll deserve the nickname “Donald Duck.” But it was not Christie's punny intent that made me laugh. What made me laugh was what I imagined to be Ron DeSantis' reaction to the mention of a Disney character. I could almost hear DeSantis grumbling: “Ok Jersey bridge ogre, what are you going to do now... sing the Micky Mouse Club song and wave a gay pride flag under my nose. Now that is something I would be willing to offend my olfactory sensors to witness.

I cannot tell you who won that debate, but anyone who was subjected to the stupidity displayed there was the loser. Indeed, Ramaswamy displayed such a dearth cognitive development and intellectual prowess that I think he should change the pronunciation of his name. He should start calling himself Ramus whammy. How is that for truth in advertising?