Thursday, November 10, 2016

Damn Fools!

The majority has once more inflicted on us the government they so richly deserve. It seems to me that everything has the seeds of its own destruction built into its fiber, into its DNA if it is organic. Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said that the success of every democracy depends on an informed electorate making wise decisions. Most of the the democracies that are no longer with us died from a malignant ignorance that caused the voters to make emotional and ill-advised decisions. The election of Donald Trump is a powerful warning if not a harbinger of our doom. The great danger is that when Trump fails, and his failure is the most likely scenario, the angry ignoramuses that elected him will turn to another demagogue who is even more reckless and ruthless.

Whether or not anyone can break through this great wall of voter stupidity to save the great republic I do not know. For the moment at least I am too frustrated and disgusted to try. So like someone who is suffering from stage four cancer I am trying to accept what I must accept and to enjoy what I can still enjoy!

I hereby thank and commiserate with those of you who have so valiantly tried to educate the willfully ignorant voters. I certainly do not wish to discourage you from trying to work the sort of miracle it will take to cure the potentially fatal malignancy I have been discussing, but the fools we have suffered over the least twenty years have left me too exhausted to help you in your mission! Good luck and bless you. Lady liberty is still the the love of my life; please save her if you can!