Friday, February 17, 2017

Trumps Plumbers?

The fact that Russia meddled in our Presidential election is indisputable, but do not expect Grand Inquisitors Ice-ass or Goudgey to hold Benghazi type hearings regarding any possible collusion between the Russians and Trump's campaign staff. Hell, Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Chairman of House Oversight Committee, will not even delve into Trump's known conflicts of interests let alone any conflicts that might explain the lip marks Trump is planting on Putin's Butt.  Instead the Republicans rise in righteous indignation to Damn those evil, illegal, leakers of accurate information that threaten to leave Donald Trump as exposed as a woman in a wet nighty. Not exactly a pretty sight, but what has been exposed thus far is far too little. Concerned citizens want a thorough and impartial investigation. They want to know:
  1. Why Trump hired as his campaign chief Paul Manafort who had close ties to the Russian oligarchs and worked for the pro-Russian former Ukrainian President, Yanu Kovych 
  2. Why Trump appointed as his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who is the former CEO of Exxon/Mobil and a personal friend of Vladimir Putin.
  3. Why Trump heaped praise on Putin and at one point even denied that Russia had invaded the Ukraine in spite of the fact that Russia had taken over the Crimea peninsula.
  4. Why Russian operatives selectively gave to Wikileaks the e-mails and other information Russia obtained through hacking the DNC and other Democrats, and why Putin used those emails to influence the election in Trump's favor.
  5. Why, as reported by reputable newspapers, Trumps aids had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence during the campaign and while Wikileaks was revealing the contents of the hacked emails.
  6. Why General Flynn, Trump's appointed security adviser, discussed the sanctions against the Russians with the Russian ambassador and why he lied to the FBI about doing so. 
  7. What is in Trump's tax returns; what financial interests or other influences does Russia have on Trump.
Since it is not in the interest of the Republican Party to provide that information they are trying to hide behind sham hearings eliciting secret testimony they can selectively reveal. “Nothing to see here folks. We have it covered so just move on,” they say. Meanwhile Trump makes it worse by praising and defending Flynn after firing him. During his last press conference or briefing or harang Trump also made a reference to appointing someone who could stop the leaks. Someone like a plumber? It sounds like Watergate only much worse.
The only thing the Republicans are right about is that this is a threat to our national security! Indeed Russia's interference in our elections and the possible collusion of a presidential candidate is a threat to our very system of government. In this regard the so called leakers are actually whistle blowers and the best thing that can happen is for “deep throat” to tell it all sooner rather than later!