Friday, April 28, 2017

Gun Wrongs

In his address to the NRA (National Rat's Ass) today Presidente Trump said that the eight years of violating our “Second Amendment rights are over.” Does that mean we are now free to form militias again and to use them to rob Native Americans of their land as our founding fathers intended? Possibly, but if you are an oil company or someone with political influence you do not need a militia because Trump will be more than happy to use his power as President to help you steal the land you want for your pipe line! Just ask him; say it with money - preferably with untraceable financial contributions to something like his inauguration fund (see Huffington Post and CNBC).  Trump has a high regard for money and such a low regard for Native Americans that he even uses Pocahontas as a pejorative term for Elizabeth Warren. He finds Ms Warren particularly odious because she has a much higher IQ than he does, and no one should have a higher IQ than the Donald, particularly not a woman! He would, of course deny that anyone has a higher IQ than he does regardless of all evidence to the contrary.  Hell, he might even be delusional enough to believe it.