The pundits are calling the latest
Trump/Republican advertisement against the Democratic Party the
“Willie Horton ad. on steroids,” in reference to the infamous,
racist Willie Horton advertisement run against the Democratic
Presidential candidate, Michael Dukakis, during the 1986 election.
But this current Trump advertisement is even worse than the Willie Horton ad. By some incredibly
illogical leap away from anything resembling a fact or decency this
ad. created by Trump's Herr Goebbels conflates support for DACA with
heinous criminal acts committed by undocumented (“illegal”)
aliens. Calling these "dreamers," these loyal, hard working people who were brought to this country as young children by their parents a criminal
class of undesirables defies all reason. Nor is there any evidence
to suggests that granting these “dreamers” legal status will
cause or encourage criminals to enter this country. Furthermore Trump's ad
ignores all the statistics showing that the percentage of the undocumented aliens who commit
criminal acts is lower than the percentage of legal citizens who
commit criminal acts. Yet in some sort of hateful, paranoid,
alternate universe inhabited by Neo-Nazis, xenophobic dumb asses and
members of the KKK this advertisement resonates. For the rest of us
all that is missing from this hateful ad. is the swastika.
This advertisement is Trump laid bare; it is his inglorious Willie. And yes it is that obscene! Trump
and the GOP moral midgets supporting him want you to believe that the
shut down is about illegal immigration and the very, very expensive
and impractical wall Mexico was supposed to pay for -- they lie! As
the Atlantic, the Rolling Stone and many others have reported this shut down is about more than
Daca. It is even about more than Trump's ignorance, negligence and
petulance, although those traits are also significant factors,
particularly in regard to how little trust anyone can place in
Trump's promises to sign bipartisan bills about issues such as DACA.
The real problem, the real reason for this shut down is the inability
of the Republican Party and its leader to govern. No other President
has failed to keep the government open when his party controls both
houses of congress. But why the hell should Trump and his chumps
care? The government is the problem rather than the solution anyhow,
and the deep state hates him.
Could it be that the people Trump thinks of as the deep state actually know more about governing than Trump and his party know? Well, one thing they of the “deep
state” know is that the uncertainty of the funding of the military
and other departments caused by the passage of a succession of
“continuing resolutions” rather than a long term budget has
hindered the implementation of needed projects and measures.
Furthermore, as the Democrats correctly point out, the Republicans
intentionally held out funding for the Children's Health Insurance
Program so they could use it as a bargaining chip in regard to the
budget. And a damn poor job the Republicans did of trying to use it as
bargaining chip because the provision in the House proposed CR does
not even include any funds for the hospitals and clinics that are
supposed to provide the care. Add to this Speaker Ryan's adherence
to Ayn Rand's “provide nothing to no one” philosophy and it is
easy to see why the Democrats are not willing to trust the
Republicans when it comes to correcting this defect in the CR any more
than they are willing to trust Trump when it comes to DACA.
All I can say is that we must all
follow the lead of the ladies who march in protest and turn out for
elections. We must make it evident that in the November elections we
will keep our resolve to discard the GOP diapers covering Trumps Butt
and throw into the gutter the brown shirts supporting his fascist
rule. If nothing else, Trump's full Willie advertisement
demonstrates beyond all dispute what Trump and his administration are
about, and why anyone who does not oppose him is complicit in his
hateful, harmful, and dangerous demagoguery!