Sunday, February 17, 2019

She Did It!

Who did it? As impossible as it sounds, Ann Coulter did it! If anyone had told me that I would ever agree in whole or even in part with any political comment coming from Ann Coulter I would have said that the odds against that happening are so great it would have to be considered a miracle. But she did it, Ann Coulter actually said something I consider to be irrefutable. She said:
"The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot."
I know, what I have just quoted is an excerpt.  A fuller reading Ms. Coulter's statements reveal that her reasons for objecting to Trump's largely unsuccessful attempts to secure the funding for his vanity wall are still as xenophobic, paranoid, and vicious as ever, and she apparently believes he should shut down the government again!  But that is her problem.  There is no sense in piling absurdity upon absurdity by repeating her full statement because the excerpt I have quoted stands very well on its own. In regard to the common usage of idiot, her characterization of Donald Trump is an accurate assessment of his mental capacity. Trump is indeed a stupid person. He proves it everyday in his rambling, demonstrably untruthful and almost incoherent tweets and speeches. I mean, who else would declare a national emergency that requires the building of a vast border wall, and then in the same speech say, "[but] I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this."