Treasonous Tucker cannot wait to change his name to Quisling Carlson. What do Tucker Carlson's ignorant devotees and/or Fox viewers not understand about deranged demagogues who see nothing wrong with Putin, the KGB thug, saying that the worst day in history was when the Soviet Union collapsed. My opinion is that the worst days in history were when Hitler decided to kill Jews and when Putin's hero, Stalin, decided to kill the ten million people Stalin actually bragged about killing.* I know it is not wise to compare anyone to Hitler, or Stalin for that matter, but we do not need to catch Putin committing a genocide to know that the death and destruction he is causing is evil.
Vladimir Putin is telling and showing us who and what he is, and we damn well better heed the warning. It does not take a psychologist to know that Putin is projecting when he calls Volodymyr Zelenski a Nazi. It is Putin who's lust for power makes him invade other countries and devalue the lives of other people. Putin said that all he wants is Kazakhstan. Then he said all he really he wants is Kazakhstan and Georgia. Ah, but he had to expand on that just a bit by saying all he wants is Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Crimea. Now Putin believes that if you have Crimea you must also protect Russian speaking people in Donbass Ukraine, and there is no sense in stopping there. Putin is hoping we have amnesia. He is hoping that we think all he wants is Kazakhstan, Georgia, Crimea, Donbass, and the entire Ukraine. I bet that would sound far too familiar and ominous to Mr. Neville Chamberlain and Mr. Winston Churchill if they were still alive to hear it.
I realize the right wing does not know history and that most of them are not bright enough to think that that matters, but one would think that even those dullards would ask whether there is any limit to Putin's greed and lust for power. Furthermore, Putin's claim that there is a limit to his lust for power is not reassuring to any rational person, not even to those who are gullible enough to believe him. Putin denies that he wants to conquer the world or put the Soviet Union back together. He says he just wants to put the old Russian empire back together. Any country conquered and subjugated by Russia, like Ukraine was, has no right to exist as an independent or autonomous nation according to Putin. Putin claims that Ukrainians are not even a real people. “Not even a real People!” Rather scary, don't you think? What else does the right wing of this country need to know about Putin? What religious text or moral code must they consult before they know they have to oppose the evil Putin represents?
Damn, now I am all worked up! I have to calm my anger over the utter stupidity of the right wing fact deniers. Repeat after me: “right wing stupidity is a mental disorder; they cannot help it!” The problem is that I do not have the training or the temperament to treat it. I am at a total loss when facts and reason fail, and that is frustrating. It is particularly frustrating when the stupidity places this nation and the world in so much danger. Reality has a strong tendency to get your attention by kicking your ass if you are lucky and killing you if you are not lucky.
* Many of the people Stalin starved and killed were Ukrainians.