There are lies, damn lies, statistics and Romney lies. A businessman who will say or do anything to make a profit is not unusual, nor is a politician who will say or do anything to get elected. Legally we even have a category of permitted lies called puffing. Romney’s lies about starting Bain Capital and Staples are examples of political puffing or exaggeration. The problem with Romney is that he does not content himself with puffing or even spinning. What puts him in a rare category of liars is his apparent ability to convince himself that whatever he wants people to believe must be true no matter how absurd it may be. A perfect example of this is the credit he is trying to take for the survival of the U.S. Auto industry. Everyone who has studied the reemergence of the Auto industry agrees that the restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler would have failed without the funds President Obama provided for that purpose. Instead of supporting those loans, Mitt Romney wrote an op-ed in which he railed against what he called the bail outs and said, in essence, that we should let Detroit go bankrupt. What is so delusional about Romney’s contention that the policies he advocated saved the auto industry is the fact that anyone can look up the op-ed in which he advocated a laissez faire government policy that would have let GM and Chrysler die.
The more outrageous the policy or action is the more outrageous is the lie Romney uses to defend it. The Republican Party’s war on women is an example of this. Everyone who has fact checked it has labeled as a lie Mr. Romney’s statement that 92% of the jobs lost during President Obama’s term have been lost by women. The truth is that women hold a disproportionate number of the teaching, nursing, and government jobs. It is the Republican controlled House of Representatives that has and is preventing President Obama from providing the states with funds to keep teachers and other government workers on the job, and it is the Republican governors and state legislators that are making the most drastic cuts to education and local government. So in addition to the Republican Party’s attacks on Planned Parenthood, birth control, and any woman who seeks an abortion, we can also add the Republican Party’s attacks on jobs held by women. Gee, I wonder why women think the Republican Party is waging a war on them.
Trying to list all of Romney’s lies is nearly impossible. I cannot think of a single thing Romney has said about the economy or President Obama’s handling of the economy that is true, Not One Thing! President Obama did not cause the deficit. George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the rich and two wars turned a surplus into a deficit and continue to add to the deficit to this very day. The stimulus did create jobs and the American jobs act would create even more jobs while greatly improving our roads and bridges if the Republicans would pass it. Mr. Romney obviously wants us to forget that the economy crashed under Republican rule. The job growth rate under George W. Bush was the lowest it had been since WWII, and that was before the crash. Contrary to Romney’s untruthful contention, private sector jobs have been added to the economy during each of the last 26 months. That the recovery from Bush’s recession is not progressing as quickly as it should be is due to Republican filibusters and other obstructions the Republicans in the House have been using in an effort to make President Obama fail. Mitt Romney's lies about the economy are an attempt to get the voters to blame Mr. Obama for the Republican Party's failed policies.
Pardon me for putting this in the vernacular, but Mitt Romney is a walking bag of bullshit! You need to carefully examine everything from him for the economic equivalent of E. Coli. Bear in mind that he openly supports the Ryan plan, which would further enrich the rich, add to the deficit, and prove deadly to many of our most vulnerable citizens.