About Labels

Label # 1: important.  I can hear some of you asking, “important to whom?”  Fair enough.  This is an opinion blog, mainly about politics.  The thing is that I did not inherit a political party or a political philosophy from my parents.  To the extent that I have something of value to say the value stems from the fact that my political philosophy was developed as a result of studying history, political science and some economics both in an academic setting and on my own.  What I have labeled as important are posts that I think represent my philosophy and some of the study behind that philosophy.  Those posts are probably a good place to start because they will give you some indication of whether you want to read more.

Label # 2: News Media.  As I said in a post entitled "In Pursuit Of Selfishness" the main stream media is never going to tell the real story; it is never going to reveal the horrible objectives of the Greedy Old Plutocrats.  The reason for that is quite simple: as plutocrats and members of the oligopoly the news media moguls have a commercial bias rather than a liberal bias.  Of the posts labeled "News Media" I think the one entitled "Hold The Drama Please" contains the best and briefest example of the news media cranking the drama up to absurd levels while neglecting the real story.

Label #3: Randy.  A fraternal tribute to a proud and kind "bleeding heart."

Label # 4: Satire.  I tend to get satirical frequently.  I probably also get sarcastic more often than I realize.  My point is that the posts labeled satire are not the only satirical pieces posted here.

Label # 5: Supreme Court.  I have written quite a bit about this horrible court.  What I have placed under this label is only a sampling.  If God really loves America, there will be a few well placed and fatal heart attacks, or there will be some forced resignations.  I would prefer the latter, but I am feeling charitable. When I wrote the preceding sentences both political parties at least tried to preserve the reputation of the court by allowing a sitting president to fill any vacancies arising during his or her tenure.  Not anymore!  Moscow Mitch has now turned the Supreme Court into a politicized abomination no one can respect, and Chief Injustice [Taney] Roberts has legitimized Jim Crow!

Label # 6: Women.  I consider this label somewhat of a misnomer because birth control and many of the other things we hear described as women’s issues are really quality of life issues and or health issues.  I have only attached this label to a few of the posts that I think represent my view on these subjects.

Excerpts 7yrs: This link takes you to a post that celebrates 7 years of blogging with excerpts from articles to which I have not attached any of the labels listed above. As little noted and uncelebrated as those articles are they sill fall into the category of I said it and I don't regret it.

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