The sights and sounds of frightened children being separated from their parents and the anguished pleas of those parents reflect the cruel reality of Trump's fascist tedancies. Trump's decision to separate children from their parents was a deliberate act. It was not and is not a matter of law. The laws that are relevant to this situation are the same laws that were in effect during the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, neither of which had such an unrealistic zero tolerance policy that it required this obscene separation of families. Make no mistake about it, this mass separation of parents and children is unique to the Trump administration.
Anyone who seriously doubts the danger Trump poses to this nation, its political traditions, its values, and its democracy is either not paying any attention to what Trump is doing or is totally delusional.
Lets put this cruel separation policy into context. Time and time again Trump has pandered to the Xenophobes and Neo-Nazis. His tweets are full of racist comments and nativist nonsense. Do you remember his comments about the Neo-Nazis at Charlottesville, when he said both sides were responsible for the violence that took the life of a young lady who was peacefully demonstrating against the Nazis?
Why does Trump lie about undocumented immigrants committing such a high percentage of the crimes being committed in this country? Why does he try to dehumanize undocumented immigrants by saying they are infesting our country? Why does Trump conflate illegal immigration with people who are seeking asylum when he knows or should know that by doing so he is in violation of international law? Could it be because the asylum seekers have darker skin than Trump likes or that they speak Spanish?
Why is Trump pulling the United States out of the United Nations Human Rights Counsel? Does he not know that Eleanore Roosevelt wrote the United Nations Universal Declaration Of Human Rights? Does he not know the feelings of guilt this nation felt for the anti semitism that caused us to turn away thousands of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany? Has Donald Trump learned nothing from our past? Does he take no pride in the fact that this the most powerful nation on earth also became the greatest moral force on earth?
Under Trump we have lost that morality and the moral force resulting therefrom! He is making people of good conscience ashamed of what this country is becomming. We must heed the lessons of the Nuremberg trials. This is no tume to sit on the sidelines pretending you don't know. Wake up America! Oppose Trump, his cruelty, and his enablers before it is too late!