Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Great Shutdown Shot down

There is on this planet an alternate universe where Kellyanne Conwoman's alternative facts serve as bricks that help to make up a vast, dense wall of willful ignorance and self deception. It is a very dark and smelly place this alternate universe – full of right wing bacteria such as Ann Dolt-er Coulter, Insanity Hannity, Witch Doctor Laura, Rush (how low can you go) Limbo, and Loose Knobs Dobbs. It is a world long on beliefs and short on facts, a world in which the only role of the government is that of a villain that must be fought and killed if possible. Thus we had the right wing bacteria threatening to slime Donald Trump in an effort to get him to carry through with his threat to shut down the “evil” government. The civil servants who were deprived of their livelihoods during the shut down do not matter to the bacteria. They (the civil servants) are, after all, government employees – otherwise known as the dreaded deep state! The alleged issue or cause celebre used to justify the shut down was Trump's vanity wall, but we know that that was just an excuse because everyone with an IQ above eighty knows the wall would be impossibly expensive and ineffective. But Trump had promised the xenophobes a big, beautiful wall that Mexico was going to pay for, and he was being held accountable to the extent that he had to look like he was fighting keep at least half of that absurd promise no matter how much harm this war on sanity caused. Fear and loathing never rests. So Trump the bully cringed in fear of the bacteria, and he shut down the government as he said he would.

What we really have here is just another right wing attack on reality. Unfortunately for Trump and the right wing reality has a way of asserting itself at the most inconvenient times. The first dose of reality came when the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and made Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House. They could not have chosen a better leader. The reason the Republicans have spent decades villainizing Nancy Pelosi is because she is very good at what she does. She knows the power of Congress and how to use it, and she cannot be intimidated by a blustering bully such as Trump. She told Donald Trump something his father should have told him a long time ago – she told him NO! She said no to the useless wall which, in light of Trump's cruel acts against refugees seeking sanctuary in this country, has become a symbol for the sort of bigotry and nativism our country has faced and rejected many times in our history. Then Speaker Pelosi delivered the master stroke by denying Trump the invitation he needed in order to deliver his state of the union speech in the house chamber to a joint session of congress. Depriving Trump of an audience! Now that is how you hurt a diva. (Oops! Please pardon my gender confusion. I think it stems from Trump constantly trying to portray himself as the subject a with hunt.)

What it took to end the shut down was a resolute Democratic Party holding its ground, Trump and the Republican Party tanking in the polls, Air Traffic Controllers and TSA employees causing a transportation problem by calling in sick, and nervous Republican Senators that had to answer to wealthy doners who had an interest in getting people, including themselves to the Super Bowl and other places. In other words, it is unlikely that Trump had a choice. He would appear a lot weaker if he waited until his own party ended the shutdown over his whimpering protests. So the Donald caved! And he got absolutely nothing for re-opening the government except for another sliming by the likes of Ann Coulter, et al. That sliming is not exactly a sympathy card for getting shot down, but as I said above, “fear and loathing never rests,” or forgives.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hidden In Plain Words

Google defines Idiom as: “a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light).”

“Not your grandma's congress,” is obviously an idiom. One would think that someone old enough to be a grandparent would know about idioms, but when I published on another site my post entitled, “Not Your Grandma's Congress”, some lady objected to the title. This lady totally ignored the meaning of the idiom and argued that congress belongs to grandparents as well as to the young. She then went on to describe the contributions grandparents make to the country and congress as if an older generation needed defending!

I should not have to define the meaning of the idiom I used. “Not your grandpa's ---- or your grandma's ---", are often used expressions, and most people who speak American English know what they mean. Seriously, is there anyone who could read an advertisement saying: “This new Mustang is not your grandpa's Ford”, and think that Ford is saying your grandfather should not buy the new Mustang?

My guess is that what this lady was really objecting to is a new generation demanding a seat at the table and competing for leadership positions in our government. I think this lady was really saying: “Wait your turn sonny or missy; we ain't ready to be put out to pasture yet!” But is this really a matter of out with old and in with new? An infusion of youth is usually phased in and appears to be a rapid change only when someone makes an issue of it. I do not fear change; I welcome it! Something is wrong. Our society and government are failing the middle class. We need to honor and listen to elder statesmen who know how things work so that we can bring about the changes we need to make, but we also need an infusion of energy and creativity. I do not think that the ascension of a younger, diverse generation and heeding the wisdom of an older generation are mutually exclusive options. Whether someone of Joe Biden's generation or a millennial wins the Democratic Party's nomination for President there will be enough continuity so that we need not fear a radical departure from the values and policies that make us who we are! In fact I would argue that President[e] Trump's xenophobia, and his ignorance and/or stupidity regarding our well established policies and values pose the gravest threat to who we are and what we stand for. 

I might add here that I am no spring chicken! “No spring chicken!” How do you like that? I just used another idiom, and a pejorative one at that, to describe myself.  Looks like the yolk's on me.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Not Your Grandma's Congress

Just by looking at my last post you will know that I am angry about what is happening to this country and about the threat posed to it by our corrupt, incompetent President and the Republican Party. But that does not mean I cannot have some fun with the absurdities. Fox News rose up in what passes for righteous indignation to criticize a young lady ( Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio Cortez) for dancing and having fun – presumably because she is a member of the Democratic Party and now a member of congress. And now that the right wing propaganda machine has shown them the way, the Republicans are jumping on the “socialistic Democrats” should not have fun bandwagon, thus paying homage to evangelicals and the puritanical values they profess to believe in. As H. L. Menken once said: Puritanism is “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”

Ah but not so fast. Puritanical values not withstanding, most Republicans will tell you it is alright to have a properly restrained good time at fancy dress balls, particularly inaugural balls celebrating the election of Republican Presidents. It is the unbridled exuberance of the masses and the inherent bawdiness of the movements of the young that horny Republicans find offensive. As Lenny Bruce used to point out, it is the people who get the horniest the quickest that can see the danger in such things. All I can say to Congresswoman Cortez is, “you go girl!” Your joy brings a smile to this old man's face, and I do not see why you can't have fun and still represent your constituents.

In regard to language it is not so much the what as the who. To say that Trump is guilty of using intemperate language is being way too polite. There are Republicans who say he should not use profanity, but the general attitude the Republicans exhibit regarding Trump's crude statements and obscene tweets is that boys will be boys. A woman using such language, particularly while calling for the impeachment of Trump is a whole different matter as far as Republicans are concerned. Given what we already know about Trump's philandering Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's characterization of him as a m..... f..... is undoubtedly accurate, but that is beside the point. And how dare she call for his impeachment! I am sure some Republicans (presumable the ones who are old enough to remember what it means) are calling Congresswoman Tlaib a shameless Hussy!

Hang onto your hats folks. This is just the beginning. Things are about to get very interesting! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Pardon My Vitriol

I wanted to start the year out on a positive note, but that is very difficult to do politically when we have the most corrupt and incompetent President ever. I know that may sound hyperbolic, but how else do you explain Trump giving Syria to Putin for Christmas and trying to give our loyal Kurdish allies to Erdogan for Christmas? How else do you explain Trump going back on his apparent agreement with Republican Senators and now insisting on billions of dollars for his vanity wall along our southern border? Making matters worse is the fact that even Republicans who occasionally demonstrate some grasp of reality are caving in to Trump on these issues and just about everything else because they are afraid that the right wing bacteria will slime them if they do not bow down to him. And that is no idle threat. Even as General Mattis resigns in protest and other retired generals join him in criticizing Trump's withdrawal of troops and abandonment of the Kurds in Syria the bacteria infesting Fox and other right wing noise boxes continues to tout Trump's faux patriotism as if it is real and laudable. Furthermore, that bacteria insists on the construction of the border wall even as everyone who is familiar with our border and border security says Trump's wall is nothing more than a useless political ploy which Mexico will never pay for!

What should be apparent to anyone who is paying the slightest attention is that Trump is an embarrassment the free world will long remember, and that this will make it difficult for us to ask our wary allies to join us again in any necessary defensive actions against terrorists and despotic would be conquerors. To put this in Trumpian terms: Trump is a crooked, destructive, low IG disaster for this country and for the entire free world!  There is little doubt in my mind that fair and impartial investigations of Trump and his administration will uncover a corruption so vile and subversive that only the brain dead will still oppose impeaching Trump and throwing him out of office along with the soiled diapers now covering his butt!  That is, of course, assuming that the results of such investigations are made public before 2020.

May this new year see a restoral of our national sanity and a recommitment to our proper role as a moral force and the greatest power in the world.