The Wasilly Hillbillies Do Washington? Sorry, I do not know the actual title or name. What I know is that there is a committee trying to create a political reality show starring Sarah Palin as the perpetually aggrieved and inadvertently droll congresswomen from Alaska. I understand that in the first episode kindly Sarah will try to cure Marjory Taylor Greene’s culinary ignorance by telling Marjory that Vichy France is French cold soup.
Featuring the essays and political comments of Steve McKeand (SCM). Take the tour, click on "Ouotes" and other page labels.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Friday, April 1, 2022
A few Appropriate Comments for April 1.
Marjorie Taylor Green will never make the Gazpacho Police Nazi mistake again. She also knows that Vichy France is a French cold soup.
The invasion of Ukraine is going exactly as planned, and Vladimir Putin meant to skin his hands and knees when he tripped over the cuffs of the big boy pants he put on when he was having delusions of grandeur about his physical stature.
Supreme court justices should be able to violate the rules of judicial ethics. Justice Thomas' refusal to recuse himself from cases in which he has an apparent conflict of interest is a matter of freedom, and Republicans should always defend the freedom to be unethical no matter how harmful that may prove to be! Just ask Moscow Mitch.
A second grader who is told that one classmate has two mommies and another has two daddies is in danger of becoming a transgender and/or a homosexual living in the constant fear that someday he might have two mommies and two daddies trampling on his freedom by making him brush his teeth, comb his hair, clean his room, and do his homework.
Teaching kids real history that does not gloss over racism can give those kids nightmares about their ancestors dying for such a horrible cause during the civil war and that might make those kids feel bad.
Will burning books warm the body and soul while freezing the brain? Inquiring Republican fascists want to know.