Monday, August 17, 2009

Say No To Change!

From the Commentaries of Salamander Pingrich:

Change is dangerous! We do not need it now and have never needed it. It is time to get back to the original intent of our founding fathers. Our Constitution was perfect as first written. Get rid of all the amendments, including the first ten. The first ten amendments set the dangerous precedent of changing our government. They were not in the original Constitution, and we all know they were propagated by the liberal Democratic-Republicans. Hell, those damn liberals were not even bright enough to figure out whether they were Democrats or Republicans. How dare they tell us we have to let folks with strange ideas pray however they want and worship cows or whatever else they feel like worshiping. We do not need any of those other, so called, rights either. Well, except for the right to bear arms, but we have the NRA to protect that right and the guns to enforce it. It is a good thing too. Because of that right hostile Indians have not attacked us in centuries. And what is wrong with only white, property owning males having the right to vote? It seems to me they did pretty good. It was when we allowed all those other people to vote that we started down the wrong path. It was after that that we got all the socialistic things like public education, Social Security, Veteran’s Administration hospitals, bank depositor’s insurance and such. None of which would have been possible if the Federal Government did not have the power to tax us.

Now that I think about it, the original Constitution was not so perfect after all. Having a federal government that can tax people is dangerous. We should go back to the original intent of our founding fathers. We should go back to the Confederation. No, not the Confederation created just before the War Between the States. I mean the one that did not have the power to tax anyone. I mean the one that won our independence. If it was good enough to do that, it is good enough for me.

I know I said I would try to keep this blog non-political. I obviously blew that, but I have tried to provide some balance to my own views by presenting the above excerpts from Mr. Pingrich’s Commentaries. What I have written below is simply the truth.

During the August 16, 2009 edition of Meet the Press the panel was asked about all the apparent threats made by people who are opposed to health care reform. Tom Colburn of Oklahoma said it was not just health care reform that had people so upset. He said people were upset about a wide range of changes, and he implied that the threats were justified. Dick Army also seemed to be making excuses for the threats. We Democrats follow the Constitution and say it with ballets rather than bullets. We did so even when George W. Bush was throwing our economy into the toilet and getting us into an unnecessary war. The people of this country have spoken, and they have voted overwhelmingly for change!

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