Wednesday, October 27, 2010


They say voters respond emotionally rather than rationally. This must be true when you consider the number of people who vote against their own interests or do not vote at all. Because of this it is as easy for politicians to become jaded as it is for voters to become jaded. If the voters will not pay enough attention to see who is looking out for them you might as well take the money and run. That is what the Republicans are now doing! They mask this by finding scapegoats they can blame for Bush’s recession. It is the immigrants, both legal and illegal, who are taking your jobs and driving down your wages, the Republicans say. The one thing the Republicans want to avoid is any revelation about the fact that they are representing the people who are exporting your jobs. That is why the Citizens United case was such a horrible decision. Because of that decision special interests are anonymously pouring millions of dollars into the election to support Republican candidates who will do nothing to prevent the exportation of jobs. We need to deal with illegal immigration, but the primary cause of the loss of jobs and decrease in wages is outsourcing, and the Democrats are the only ones addressing that issue. It is up to you to vote for your job! If you want to keep your job you will vote for a Democrat.

On a lighter note: California has the distinction of having candidates who have presented the silliest political advertisements and candidates who have presented the most brilliant advertisements. Conservatives are all too fond of waxing nostalgic. Meg Whitman did this to her detriment. She said that thirty years ago anything was possible in California, adding that that was why she and her husband moved here. She then said that she wanted to restore California to what it had been.

Her opponent, Jerry Brown, countered this advertisement by pointing out that he was the Governor thirty years ago, and Ms. Whitman was correct when she talked about how well the state was doing under his leadership.

Her ad was an oops and his ad was brilliant. I thank both of them for the comic relief.

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