Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who Shall Pay?

I believe most people are misreading what we should learn from the midterm elections. President Obama and the Democratic Party did not do a good job of selling their accomplishments or their agenda. There was also a strong wimp factor. I know compromise is an essential part of the process, but the Democrats were the only ones giving ground on issues they let the Republicans define. As a result of this much of the legislation, although still significant, fell short of what we expected and wanted. The most pressing issue is now an extension of tax cuts for the middle class. We simply cannot afford to let those tax cuts expire; nor can we afford to blow a seven hundred billion dollar hole in the budget when we are running such a large deficit. Please join me in telling President Obama and your representative that we need those tax cuts and that we oppose the absurd tax cuts for the very people who are exporting our jobs. Below is an e-mail I have sent to President Obama and another e-mail I have sent to Speaker Pelosi. I know you might be too busy to write similar e-mails. If you are too busy to write, please use the link I am providing to Credo and sign their petition to Speaker Pelosi. If you have the time, please write to President Obama and to your congressperson as well.

Dear President Obama

I have been defending you from the criticism that you are weak. Not anymore! If you extend tax cuts for the rich for any length of time at all the Republicans will have no reason to compromise with you on anything because they will know you do not stand your ground. The people who have supported you will also know that. Get an extension of the middle class tax cuts through the House and into the Senate as quickly as possible. Then use the bully pulpit and crank up the PR machine. Say to the voters: “There is a bill in the Senate that will extend YOUR tax cuts. Republican Senators are threatening to filibuster that bill. If they succeed in holding up the passage of that bill until your tax cuts expire you will be paying much higher taxes. I know you need those tax cuts and you know you need those tax cuts. The Republicans either do not know that or they do not care about it. So tell them. Send your Senators e-mails or letters or telegrams demanding an extension of YOUR tax cuts.”

Do not let the Republicans draw you into a debate about the other Bush tax cuts. The tax cuts you are extending are for everyone. Whether people should get the tax cuts extended for amounts above two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year or businesses should get tax cuts extended is not the issue. As far as the voters are concerned the tax cuts you are extending are their tax cuts; they are not tax cuts for an abstract group such as the middle class or for special interests. This is the sort of simple approach Republicans use to define issues, and it works. If you define the tax cuts you are extending in the manner I am suggesting I will bet you a tax cut that enough Republicans will blink. No politician wants to go into the elections of 2012 having to explain to angry voters why he or she opposed tax cuts that would have prevented an increase in the taxes those voters pay. Yes, it is brinkmanship, but you must make your stand while you still have the majorities you need to do it.

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

Thank you for all you have done thus far. There is one more thing I am compelled to ask of you. Please make every effort to get a bill extending the middle class tax cuts through the House as quickly as possible. President Obama seems to be wavering on his stated opposition to extending tax cuts for the wealthy. Neither he nor we can afford to have him cave in on this issue. I have sent him an e-mail stating my position on this issue and suggesting how he can sell to the voters an extension of middle class tax cuts only. I have also posted that letter and this one on Macsbackporch.blogspot.com., and I am using that blog to encourage others to send similar e-mails.

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