Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Surviving Gopageddon

We are well into the era of Gopageddon. Money rules and anyone who is not filthy rich has no voice. The corporate toadies on the U.S. Supreme Court made sure of that with their decision in Citizens United. The GOP, the Grand Old Party is a sham; it is the party bought and paid for by the grand old plutocrats. “Government is not the answer,” they tell us. They want us to believe that it is useless to vote because government is evil. They are helping us decide not to vote by severely restricting voter registration in an effort to disenfranchise people who are most inclined to vote for Democrats. The Republicans are also proving their point about the government not being the answer by making sure the government is dysfunctional. They are starving the government of revenue by refusing to make the rich and the corporations pay their fair share of taxes. They are fighting to cut all programs that benefit the middle class, programs such as Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment Insurance. And the Republicans are blocking all efforts to get America back to work. They are opposing the jobs bill, which will repair crumpling bridges and roads and will create jobs. The Republicans even tried to deprive FEMA of the funds it needs to help repair the damage caused by hurricane Irene.

The Republicans actually want our government to fail and our economy to tank. They want the low information voters, who are not bright enough to pay attention to what is happening, to blame the majority party for everything. The Republicans are the anti-government party. They want uninformed voters to blindly lash out at the government or to stay home on election day. Wake up America! The middle class is under attack. More people have slipped into poverty than at any time since the great depression, and the Republicans are blocking all efforts to reverse that trend. Your enemy is the Republican Party. The only way you can survive Gopageddon is to end it! The middle class is in a war against the insatiable greed of the powerful few and the nihilism of the Republican Party. You cannot afford to lose that war. What is at stake here are all of the things that have made this country so great, including our democracy. You must not give in to a feeling of futility or blindly lash out at the scapegoats the Republicans want you to blame. President Obama is finally taking the fight to the streets by appealing to the voters for help. Let your representatives in congress and your senators know that you want to get this economy moving again. Let them know that they will pay a high political price for opposing the jobs bill. Let the Republicans in your state know that the right to vote is essential in a democracy and that they will pay a high political price for trying to disenfranchise people by making in so difficult to register to vote.

This is your country. Take it back. Get involved. Register to vote no matter how hard the Republicans make it to register, and sign petitions that oppose unreasonable restrictions on voter registration. Donate whatever time and money you can spare to Democrats running for the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Support democrats running for state offices as well. End this vicious attack on our government and our democracy! The Republicans have the money. We have the majority of the people. The only way we can win is to counter the money with our numbers and our willingness to fight the good fight. Your vote matters and your influence increase when you get active!

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