Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Main Ring

In the main ring of the Republican circus we are down to two clowns:

Mitt Romney, who thinks he is running for Chairman of the Board, is the odds on favorite to become temporary chairman of the bored in spite of his best efforts to salt his rhetoric with amusing gaffs.

This, however, is not the most disconcerting thing for the other clown, Rick Santorum. The most disconcerting thing for Rick Santorum is that he cannot attain the position he seeks because we do not have a national church. On the other hand, he just might be delusional enough to think he can create one!

In this theater of the absurd both clowns are telling us that things will get much better if we double down on Mr. Bush’s failed economic policies and decrease the size of the market in this country further by increasing the disparity in wealth between the one percent and everyone else. And to make this fallacious argument more attractive they are giving us straw dogs to kick. They are denying the economic progress we are making in recovering from Mr. Bush’s failed economic policies while calling Mr. Obama’s policies disastrous. They are also blaming President Obama for the high price of gasoline caused by the intransigence of Iran. The retro, pre-birth control, clown, Rick Santorum, has even added another straw dog by attributing to President Obama statements about religion that Mr. Obama did not make. I guess Mr. Santorum wants us to think that God is punishing us for having an irreverent President that only exists in Mr. Santorum’s primitive mind.

The people most amused by the straw dogs are the cite checkers who are finding such blatant lies all too easy to disprove. I would share their amusement if there were not so many people who seem to be incapable of reading or understanding the list of toxic ingredients the clowns are trying to sell us. Here are your options: You can choose a Democratic government that restricts the decisions made in the boardroom in order to prevent the oligopoly from taking unfair advantage of you or you can choose a Republican government that restricts the decisions made in the bedroom in order to prevent you from planning the size of your family. You can choose a Democratic government that wants an equitable tax system or a Republican government that takes the price of enriching the rich out of your hide by destroying earned benefits programs such as Unemployment Insurance, Medicare, and Social Security. I am not making this up. That really is what is at stake; that is the stark reality of the Republican clown show!

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