Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Injustice For All

Most of the pundits are expressing optimism in the ability of the U. S. Supreme Court to render a fair and impartial decision in the Affordable Health Care case. Optimism is an attractive trait when it does not ignore reality. In this instance the optimism is misplaced. We now have the most politicized and unethical Supreme Court in modern history. Regardless of the outcome of this case there will always be a very understandable suspicion as to the motives of the Justices hearing it. The rules of judicial ethics require all judges to avoid even the appearance of partiality or conflicts of interest. Justices Scalia and Thomas appear to have a conflict of interest that should cause them to recuse themselves form hearing this case. I will go even further and say that the activities of both Justice Thomas and his wife create a conflict that goes beyond mere appearance. The fact that both of those injustices are hearing and helping to decide this case is a travesty. Justice Thomas should be removed from the court and Justice Scalia should be investigated. When the highest court in the land does not adhere to the most fundamental rules of ethics there can be no justice! We must remedy this situation by restoring the integrity of the court and its reputation.

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