Sunday, December 16, 2012

The GOP Lemmings

I have read that lemmings do not periodically hurl themselves off cliffs and into the sea. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing intentional about them going off the cliff when it happens. Lemmings occasionally head out in the wrong direction, and the ones that fall over the edge do so because they are pushed, which is to say they are goosed to death by the lemmings that can only see the assholes in front of them. The Republicans are acting much like lemmings. The party of the Grand Old Plutocrats has already suffered a hard fall by ignoring the polls showing they are out of touch with mainstream America on many of the social and economic issues. The Republicans who are smart enough to realize their party has drifted too far to the right also know that the fall they suffered during the last election was nothing compared to the one they will suffer if they keep heading in the same direction. Moving the party back to the center, however, is almost impossible because, like lemmings, rank and file Republicans will goose, prod and/or trample to death anyone who tries to change direction or stop short of the precipice.

Sadly, the Republicans are ignoring the results of the elections they just lost and the polls showing that the public will blame them for taking us over the fiscal cliff. They are foolishly threatening to raise taxes on the middle class unless the Democrats extend the budget busting Bush tax cuts for the rich. They are also telling the same lies they told about the debt ceiling when they caused the downgrading of America’s credit rating by threatening to make America default on its debts by not raising the debt ceiling. Now they indicate that they will threaten the full faith and credit of the United States again by refusing to raise the debt ceiling unless the Democrats agree to drastic cuts to earned benefits programs such as Medicare. Well, here is a bit of reality for those destructive assholes. Any party that harms its country does so at its own peril. If the Republicans are so stupid and vicious that they will actually carry through with either of those threats, it will be a full generation before they will rise to the level of a viable national party again.

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