Saturday, March 2, 2013

John Boehner Is A Bad Guest

I am using “Bad Guest” metaphorically. What I mean is that John Boehner is acting like a guest who shows up at a potluck dinner empty handed, demands to know where all the food is, and then criticizes everything on the table. The constitution states that all budget matters must originate in the House of Representatives. This would include legislation regarding the spending cuts specified by the sequester. Yet here we have John Boehner, the speaker of the house, demanding that the President propose a bill to replace the spending cuts specified by the sequester. Mr. Boehner is also lambasting the Senate for not passing a bill to replace the cuts specified by the sequester. He seems to be defying all logic as he tries to convince us that everyone except the Republican controlled House Of Representatives is responsible for the consequences of letting the cuts in the sequester take place.

So why would John Boehner ignore the constitution and his responsibilities as the speaker of the House of Representatives? I am afraid the answer to that question is that when the Republican Party decided to become the party of “deny, obstruct and lie” it made the legislative branch of the government dysfunctional. In doing so, it also unleashed the nihilistic right wing dogs that have an irrational hatred of all government and authority anyhow. To state it succinctly, John Boehner rose to a position of leadership at a time when his party has become too dysfunctional to follow any responsible leader. He simply cannot get any reasonable legislation through the house without risking his position as the Speaker of the House. Sadly, this once proud party has strapped an economic bomb to its body and is threatening great harm to the country as it commits suicide.

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