Sunday, August 4, 2013

Political Masturbation

Forty times now the Republicans have passed a bill in the House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act or Obama Care, as the Republicans call it.  This is nothing more than political masturbation.  Even the dullest of the dull knows that while this may make them feel good it is completely meaningless and unproductive.  Jerking off rather than doing the people’s work would be bad enough, but it appears very likely that the Republicans have something far more destructive in mind.  It seems that the Republicans have once more strapped economic bombs to their bodies and are threatening to blow up the economy unless the Democrats make Republican fantasies about repealing the Affordable Health Care Act a reality.  The bombs are, of course, the debt ceiling and the budget.  Frankly I have reached the point where I hope they are stupid enough to try it.  It would harm our economy, but terrorists who set off bombs attached to their own bodies are called suicide bombers for a reason.

Ruining the full faith and credit of the United States would cost Wall Street a fortune.  Good luck finding campaign contributors if you cause that to happen.  Furthermore, anyone stupid enough to ignore what happened to the Republican Party when Newt Gingrich shut down the government deserves to go the way of the Dodo Bird.  It is simply a matter of natural selection, and you may rest assured that the voters will make that choice.  Right now President Obama is showing every sign that he will stand his ground.  If he is smart he will not budge an inch.  Let the destructive lunatics commit political suicide if that is what they want to do. I am sure we can find a way to mitigate the damage this will cause  I am also sure a new party of honest, responsible conservatives will emerge to replace the pack of rabid reactionaries that are now destroying the Republican Party.

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