Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Little Advice

To Wayne LaPierre: 

Keep your damn mouth shut!  Every time you open that sewer you reveal that you think the profits of the gun manufacturers are more important than human lives.  There was no reason for you to comment on the navy yard shootings and your inane comments simply brought to mind the very real need for reasonable gun control.

 To John Boehner:

Common John, give this a bit of thought.  If Mitch McConnell is not far enough to the right for the tea baggers, you are screwed!  It is time to man up and think about your place in history rather than a primary you are going to lose anyhow.  If I were you I would want to end my career in a blaze of patriotic glory.  I would do everything possible to avoid a government shutdown, and I would make damn sure that the debt ceiling was raised.  I would give a speech in which I would say that I am making the patriot’s choice by putting my country ahead of my own interests and the interests of what has become a destructive minority faction in my party and in Congress.

To Mitch McConnell:

Sorry, you are on your own.  By pandering to the lunatic right you danced with the devil, and he is not settling for a kiss good night.  Any state that would elect Rand Paul is beyond hope! Even if you somehow manage to survive this election you will be representing people who are so unreasonable that you will go down in history as a total shitbag!  But you have already gained that infamy anyhow, so I guess you do not have much to lose on that score.

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