Friday, November 1, 2013

Thank The GOP

Thank the Republicans for defending your right to continue paying some unscrupulous insurance company every month for a crappy policy that will not meet your needs if you suffer a serious illness or injury.  God knows you would not want to go on the exchange to get a much better policy for close to the same price.  You should also thank the Republicans for the comic relief they offered during the testimony of Kathleen Sebelius.  Congressmen Billy Long (R. Mo.) and Cory Gardner (R. Col.) in particular played the part of comic dullards to perfection.  Both of those Representatives piously railed at Ms. Sebelius for not being on the exchange.  We are on the exchange, they boasted.  They seemed to be particularly proud of their party for getting the Affordable Care Act amended to require members of Congress to go on the exchange.  They seemed to be even prouder of their efforts to destroy the exchange they are on by voting to repeal the ACA forty-four times.

What kind of genius boasts about participating in a program he is trying to destroy?  What kind of genius complains about people not being able to sign up for services he thinks will be a disaster for those people?  What kind of Republican genius holds hearings that will only remind a disapproving public that the Republican Party recently shut down our government and threatened to destroy our credit in order to deprive Americans of health insurance that actually covers medical expenses?

“YUK, YUK, Gorsh!”

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