Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Trashy Joke

Darrell Issa is going out of his way to demonstrate that his so called investigations have all the credibility of the Salem Witch trials.  Refusing to let any Democrat speak or ask questions at the hearing in which Lois Lerner was called to testify about the IRS is just the latest and most graphic proof of Grand Inquisitor Issa’s deceit and partisan motives.  He knew in advance that Ms. Lerner would assert her right to remain silent, but he obviously considered this a great opportunity to grandstand by asking her questions that would linger as unchallenged accusations because she was asserting her Constitutional right to remain silent and because no Democrat was allowed to speak.  When Mr. Issa shut off the microphone Congressman Cummings was using, Mr. Cummings asked what Mr. Issa was afraid of?  The answer to that question is all too obvious.  Time after time Mr. Issa has found his deceit and misrepresentations of the evidence exposed by Congressman Cummings.  The bottom line is that Grand inquisitor Issa’s wild accusations about the IRS, Benghazi, and “Fast and Furious” are turning out to be falling leafs without any evidence to hold or support them.  This must be terribly frustrating for a man who is hell bent on a mission of destruction.  We have not had the misfortune of witnessing anything like this since Joseph McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 

Meanwhile, the Republicans in the house have voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act for the fiftieth time.  What is that about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?  Are Mr. Issa and the House Republicans insane or are they simply unethical demagogues playing to the dangerous fears of nihilistic ignoramuses?  In either case, the Republican Party has become a trashy joke.  If and when the great uninformed finally figure out that the joke is on them, they will undoubtedly throw this trash out of office.

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