Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Profile In Cowardice

This is a profile in hypocrisy and cowardice. It is a black mark and a stain on the legislative branch of our federal government. The do nothing Republicans shirked their duty to this country again by literally running away from Washington rather than remaining in session to vote on authorizing and funding the war on ISIS. In the Senate this neglect of duty was bipartisan, with Democrats cowering because of the false charges their Republican opponents are using to poison well. What is particularly galling about the cowardice of the Republicans are those false charges and the other outright lies they are telling. Frankly the people of this country should be outraged over the disdain the right wing shitbags have for the knowledge and intelligence of the voters. I know he has been getting most of the attention, but Scot Brown is not the only disingenuous Republican candidate running blatantly false advertisements designed to scare the hell out of the gullible Republican base and perhaps some undiscerning independents as well.

I find it hard to believe that the cowardly, do nothing, Republican congressman who are literally running away from the fight on terrorists actually have the nerve to say that the man who killed Osama Bin Ladin and is now attacking ISIS is not doing enough to protect this country. And what would those Republican morons do differently? They seem to think putting a border agent on every square foot of our southern border is a good idea. Never mind the fact that that would be prohibitively expensive. Gotta prevent Lucy from bringing toxic tamales into the garment factory, don't you know. All right, so maybe I should not have made the tamale comment, but I want to show you just how hypocritical and absurdly racist the Republicans have become. There is absolutely no evidence of terrorists entering this country from Mexico. The Republican claims to the contrary are merely an attempt to tie the immigration issue to a debate over how best to protect ourselves from terrorists. Incidentally, the only President who granted amnesty to illegal immigrants was Ronald Reagan. So I guess Saint Ronny isn't infallible after all. I guess maybe if he had provided some very stiff penalties to companies who hired illegals we would not have had such of flood of illegal immigration. Holding employers accountable for providing jobs to illegal immigrants, however, would stifle the exploitive advantages those businesses have, and it would raise the price of the goods they produce. Gotta protect the exorbitant salaries the oligopoly hands out to its CEO s, you know. And, of course, Republicans want us to believe that deporting millions of people is better than giving them a legal status that would allow them to make a greater economic contribution to this country.

I am sorry but what we have seen over the last six years is a Republican Party that is incapable of protecting us from any real threat. So while the President is doing his best to confront a threat to everything that is decent, the Republicans are still trying win elections by selling us straw dogs and bogey men. The people should demand that the politically impotent Speaker of the house, John Boehner, call the House back in session to deal with a real threat for a change. The bottom line here is that it is congress that has the power to declare war, and congress should grow enough of a back bone to do its duty.

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