Monday, September 21, 2015

Plop! Splat! PU!

My title describes the sound of the Koch Bros. colostomy bag dropping out. I do not know whether to laugh or lament the fact that the Democratic Presidential Candidate will not have Scott Walker to run against. His dismal record as the Governor of Wisconsin would have made him a weak opponent in the general election. I hate to say that Wisconsin deserves him, but that is what happens when people are too lazy to vote in mid-term elections!

I wrote the preceding paragraph before Walker made his announcement. Technically he is suspending his campaign; which is a bit like a marathon runner stopping after the first four miles to rest his legs. He also said other candidates running against Trump should drop out so the best candidate can take the nomination from Trump? And who should stay in? Walker did not say. I guess he still wants to keep his stink in the national game by teasing the pundits into conjecturing about who he might endorse. That is about as close as he can come to being relevant on the national stage!

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