Friday, October 2, 2015

Didn't Say It! Didn't Mean It!

If you are catching hell for what you said, deny saying it or say you did not mean it that way. Forget about the plain meaning of the words; words are open to interpretation, are they not? This sort of denial and obfuscation is particularly important when the gaff you committed reveals something unsavory about you and/or your party. Just ask Representative Kevin McCarthy, who is now trying to cough the Benghazi bone out of his throat.

As Greg Sargent reported in the Washington Post, Kevin McCarthy went on Fox News last night to clean up his comments about Benghazi and failed miserably.

“This committee was set up for one sole purpose, to find the truth on behalf of families for four dead Americans,” McCarthy told Bret Baier. “Now, I did not imply in any way that that work is political, of course it is not. Look at the way they have carried themselves out,” McCarthy said.

Of course he did not “imply” that the Benghazi hearings were politically motivated; there was nothing that subtle about his comment.  He clearly said the hearings were held to discredit Hillary Clinton! There is no other way to interpret it (See my previous post “Witch Hunts And Inquisitions”). While I do not think anyone who heard McCarthy's comment will believe his denial, I will understand if some generous soul commiserates with him for being confused by his own words. After all, a man who says “untrustable” obviously has trouble with the English language!

Some people will defend McCarthy's comments about the Benghazi hearings, others will deny them, but no one will forget them. The problem with the truth is that you cannot successfully hide it after it has been exposed.

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