Wednesday, November 11, 2015

De Farce

I have to admit that I did not watch most of the so called Republican debate last night. What I saw of it told me it was, unfortunately, the sort of farce one would expect from the Fox disinformation factory. As the great God of Republican victimization knows, only a blasphemous liberal would fact check a Republican! Indeed, fact checking Republicans is like body checking people who are on crutches. How dare you trip up the willfully ignorant demagogues with facts! This sanctimonious display of ignorant indignation from the nitwits seeking the Republican nomination is an insult to the intelligence of anyone with an average IQ. What makes this farce even worse is that most of the participants were actually quoting from their stump speeches; which is about the only thing Marco Rubio does well. Sorry folks, but the outrageous and unchallenged falsehoods told by the prospective candidates made me so angry that I had to change the channel! Although I did not hear enough to give you a detailed accounting of the proceedings, I did hear enough to form the following opinions.

Democrats want to take us into the future with the successful policies of the past. Republicans want to take us into the future with the failed policies of the past. The Democrats deal with real information: this is what was done in the past and this is what worked. The Republicans are trying to sell us ignorance: forget about what happened in the past it's time to try something new, they say. But new for them is old, it is doing away with all of the regulations that protect us from monopolies, unsafe products, and unfair trade practices, as well as doing away with the graduated income tax, all of the safety nets and earned benefits programs such as Social Security and Medicare, while giving huge tax breaks to the rich and stuffing the coffers of the military industrial complex with your money (President Eisenhower must be rolling over in his grave).

The Queen of sanctimonious falsehoods is Carly Fiorina. She claims that all regulations hurt small businesses and rails against Dodd Frank. She obviously thinks the Koch Bros. are small businessmen! She would never admit that there are some regulations such as anti-trust laws and fair lending laws that protect and help small businesses. Furthermore, Dodd Frank was not even a glimmer in the eyes of Mr. Dodd or Mr. Frank before or during the crash of 1929 or the crash of 2008. I might add that Glass Steagall was not a factor in the Crash 1929 or 2008 either. In point of fact both Dodd Frank and Glass Steagall were reactions to the abuses that caused those crashes! To put it bluntly, Carly Fiorina is a certifiable liar: See Fiorina Lies, Fiorina is lyingFiorina's fetus claim.  No wonder she hates fact checkers.

When the likes of Donald Trump and Ben Carson are the leading prospective candidates for your Party's Presidential nomination there are no winners.

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