Wednesday, March 9, 2016

An Underdog's Revenge

Surprise! More people in Michigan were paying attention than one would suppose, certainly more than anyone was predicting. Hillary's deceptive assertion that Bernie Sanders opposed bailing out the Auto industry failed to drive enough voters away from him and he won! In doing so he defied the polls.  He also proved that he could win in a large state with a diverse economy and a diverse population. Hillary was badly hurt by her past support of destructive trade agreements that have driven down wages and cost so many people their jobs. A warning alarm should be sounding loud and clear about that and about whether Hillary can win the rust belt states in a contest with Trump.

On the Republican side, it appears as though Marco Rubio's hopes are caught up in Donald Trump's zipper. Establishment candidates stoop to the vulgarian's level at their peril. With Rubio taking such a drubbing traditional Republicans are beside themselves. It seems far too likely that the choice, if there is a choice, will be between the interloping huckster, Trump and the loathsome Canadian Texas Turd, Cruz! Not a good time to be a Republican!

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