Friday, July 29, 2016

A Blast From The Past And Madam President

Hey guys1 If you're feeling pinched it's probably because your dressing on the wrong side. Why not a female President? Your momma led you into the future didn't she?
The Democratic convention was a blast from the past and the promise of a better future. It was an old fashion political circus of blatant, some would even say corny displays of patriotism, of musical acts, and of soaring oratory accompanied by loud cheers and at least a bit of booing. The roll call vote hearkened back to a time when the nominee was selected at the convention rather than during the primary elections and local caucuses. Each state, all of which are the “great state” of           , told me why I am missing out by not living there. This roll call boasting was a display of provincialism on a national stage. But it was boosterism rather than a closed or suspicious provincialism. Which is to say it was an invitation to join the good people living in those states or pay them a visit on what they believe to be God's own piece of earth.
That is the Norman Rockwell view of the convention. The other part is Political. The political part is always emotional, often issue driven, and far too messy from an establishment prospective. The Bernie of bust crowd added the edgy dissension the Democratic Party is so famous for having. Since the great depression the Democratic Party has had the larger tent, and since the civil rights act it has been the party that takes on the more difficult issues. There is always a lot of shouting at Democratic conventions, usually some farting which each side blames on the other side, and occasionally threats to walk out with a pox on your house curse as a parting shot. Usually there are compromises which please no one but cause everyone to rally round in opposition to the common foe. This time the Bernie and Hillary people came together to create a party platform that is more progressive than anyone expected. Hillary also agreed to procedures Bernie wanted, including the delightful roll call vote. Furthermore, in her acceptance speech, Hillary Clinton stated her commitment to the progressive planks in the Democratic Party Platform! I believe her because it is unlikely that she committed to those planks out of weakness. It took way too much grit and determination for her to become the first women nominated to be President by a major political party; this woman is anything but weak.
I know the precedent of nominating Hillary will overshadow everything else, but this ground breaking convention was also a celebration of our great country and its better political traditions. From this convention arose the promise of a Democratic Party that has reclaimed its New Dealer soul and renewed the commitment Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt made to the working people of this great nation. Hillary Clinton's message and appeal are uplifting and resolute. As Franklin Roosevelt said during a much tougher time: “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” On behalf of the Democratic Party Hillary invites everyone to work with us to build a better future! I am sure she will agree with me when I say that together we are greater than ever!
The only thing I can say about those other guys, the Greedy Old Plutocrats, is that there is no comparison! What the Republicans displayed at their convention is not something anyone who loves this country would wish on it!

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