Tuesday, March 28, 2017

What's Under That Russian Dressing?

Baghdad Bob Spicer said that if Trump poured Russian Dressing over a salad the press would accuse Trump of having a "Russian connection.”  Spicer should by careful with his choice of words.  Any dressing is a cover by definition. Furthermore, Trump and his minister of disinformation, Sean Spicer are not pouring the dressing on a salad. Instead Trump and his minions are pouring Russian dressing on a pile of bull shit they are trying to sell to us as salad. The dressing is so sweet and benign don't you know.  If Trump and/or his campaign staff have nothing to hide about the Russia connection why is Trump not calling for an impartial investigation by a special prosecutor or select committee or both to clear his name. Why, instead, does Trump have his minister of disinformation trying to convince us that there is no need for any investigation let alone an impartial one, and why are Trump and Spicer silly enough to do this when Devin Nunes, the chairman of the committee that is supposed to be investigating this matter, is acting so suspiciously - like someone involved in a cover up. In law there is the concept of probable cause, and the public information already amassed about the connection between Trump, Trump's aids and Russia exceeds what is needed to establish probable cause; what we know at this point fairly well screams for an independent investigation.
The lies and dissembling by Trump and his administration regarding the Russian connection, Trump's business interests, his taxes, etc demand a close scrutiny. What is already clear is that Trump is untrammeled by any concept of ethics. A charitable explanation for that is that he simply cannot understand why we think he cannot serve two masters who are bound to have conflicting interests and goals! But Trump's unethical behavior begs a far less charitable question: Do we now have the most corrupt President ever? Only time and an impartial investigation will tell!

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