Tuesday, September 19, 2017

What An Embarrassment

I tried to listen to the whole thing, I really did, but I was so embarrassed by our President that I just could not make it to the end. Donald Trump's speech to the U.N. was chalked full of “I,” as in ignorant, idiotic, and “me, myself, and I.” The Donald lied about his achievements as if he were back on the campaign trail. Then he talked about the Marshall Plan and the United Nations Charter, demonstrating such a superficial knowledge of both subjects that you had to wonder where he had been during his high school history and civics classes. News flash: the Marshall Plan was not just an aid package to help the devastated nations of Europe rebuild after World War II; it was part of an overall economic and defense strategy that emphasized cooperation and interdependence rather than narrow nationalistic interests. Similarly, the United Nations was created to help resolve issues in a peaceful manner and to encourage compromise and cooperation among its members.

Donald Trump is a throwback to an era of isolation that ended badly with a great depression followed by a horrible war! Trump sells fear and loathing as others sell bread. He indulges in absurd name calling and bombastic threats, and he does so at a body created to help avoid war. There is no one in the world who can seriously doubt our ability to defend ourselves and our allies. Letting the world know that we will do whatever it takes to defend ourselves and our allies from the likes of North Korea is sufficient with out the bombast. The pitch to get other nations to help us avoid a military solution by helping us enforce the sanctions on North Korea would have then been better received without boastful statements that made it sound like we want war. Furthermore Trump compounded the error by emphasizing the sovereignty and independence of all nations and the right of all nations to selfishly pursue their individual interests.   And he did this while asking those other nations to sacrifice some of their interests by not trading with North Korea!  He seems to lack the ability to avoid or even recognize inconsistencies.

If people in other nations are thinking that our President is a great big pile of stupid I sure don't blame them!

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