Monday, November 20, 2017

Tax Cut And [Hose] Job Bill

I cannot speak for others but I am hoping that I will be able to say I am thankful for Senators who had the conscience and good sense to vote against Republican tax bills. As usual it is only large corporations and the rich (the donor class) that will really benefit from any bill put forward by the party of Greedy Old Plutocrat. In the bills the Republicans have proposed in both the House and the Senate the tax cuts given to corporations and the wealthy are permanent whereas the sun set provisions in those bills mean that the middle class and the poor will actually see tax increases by 2027. Furthermore the PayGo budget rule will result in decreases in the benefits from paid benefits programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. I should add the provision in the proposed Senate bill eliminating the individual mandate in the ACA will also result in a steep increase in the cost of health insurance. So to all you white males out there let me say you are well advised to set aside your feelings because the feelings you are getting from the Republican Party ain't a prostate exam!

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