Sunday, February 4, 2018

Quote Of The Week

 “Stupid Is As Trump Does,” Forrest GOP

Did Herr Drumpf-Trump even read the memo by Herr Goebbels-Nunes? I ask this because both Trump and insanity Hannity say there is something in the memo that the rest of us cannot find. I will concede that the memo exudes an unmistakable odor of flatulence, but it fails to deliver on the threat to dump more substantive material. Which is to say that the allegations the Memo contains are not supported by any evidence of wrong doing on the part of the Justice Department, the FBI, Mr. Rosenstein, or Mr. Mueller. Yet here we have Trump, Hannity, and an assortment of Republican stooges and sycophants trying to convince us that the Nunes memo is the greatest expose since the Pentagon Papers!

Sadly, if you are stupid enough to think that Fox News and other right wing disinformation factories actually present news you are probably stupid enough to accept the disinformation without question and look no further!  It is for you that the Trumpian winds blow.  Welcome to them.  They tell the rest of us it is time to change the soiled diapers covering Trumps ass!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Death By Stupidity

I cannot believe I am hearing so many pundits say that people are confused about Russia's interference in our elections and about the investigation being conducted by Robert Mueller, who was lauded by members of both political parties for his integrity and competence when he was first appointed as special counsel. So has Mr. Mueller, a life long Republican, somehow changed and turned into a raging, partisan Democrat or is he just coming very close to finding out facts Donald Trump does not want us to know? It should not take a genius to come up with the correct answer to that question!

Here you have a conflict between a proven lier, Donald J. Trump, who by last count has told 2,000 lies during the last twelve months, and reputable news outlets that have a reputation for trying to get the facts right. Trump the lier refers to those news outlets as “fake news.” Making matters worse is the effort of Trump and his party to besmirch Mr. Mueller as well as the FBI and the Justice Department, both of which are lead by people Trump appointed. Those departments have a tradition of serving this country without regard to which party is in power. They see it as their duty to serve the nation rather than the President regardless of the fact that the people heading those departments are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. None of that matters to Trump; objectivity and the security of the country be damned, those people in the FBI and Justice Department are there at Trump's pleasure and they damn well better serve him! As former FBI director James Comey testified, Donald Trump asked for Comey's personal loyalty to Trump. Now we have evidence that Trump has asked Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein (who oversees Special Counsel Mueller) to pledge his loyalty to Trump, and Trump has complained many times about Attorney General Sessions being disloyal enough to recuse himself from any investigation of Russia's interference in our elections.

And how has the Republican Party reacted to this? Well, Devin Nunez has already disgraced himself with his infamous midnight run to the white house to deliver intelligence reports showing that President Trump and his associates were incidentally swept up in foreign surveillance by American spy agencies. Mr. Numes later had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation conducted by the House Intelligence Committee, which Nunes chairs, because this ruse perpetrated by Nunes was exposed by a responsible press. It turns out that a pair of White House officials helped provide Representative Devin Nunez with the very documents Mr. Nunes claims he “rushed to warn the white house” about. Now we know Mr. Nunes recusal from the Russia investigation is also an obvious sham. We know this because Diaper Devin is making another despicable effort to discredit the FBI and cover Trump's filthy ass. He is aided and abetted in doing this by House Speaker, Paul Ryan, who helped Nunes obtain classified documents over the objections of the FBI, and now supports the release of a spurious and dangerous report in which Mr. Nunes attacks the FBI investigation of Carter Page's interactions with Russian spies. This report or memo allegedly shows that the FBI has a bias against Trump even though the investigation that eventually resulted in the FISA warrant started well before Page went to work for the Trump campaign. The FBI and Justice Department object to making Mr. Nunes' dishonest and incomplete hack job public because the hack job reveals classified information that could tip the Russians off as to our counter intelligence efforts. But the security concerns of the FBI and Justice Department do not concern lyin' Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and/or the Republican Party. The only thing that concerns Republicans today is keeping their nihilistic base supporters happy and staying in power.

What we are seeing from Trump and the Republican Party is a disparagement of the FBI, the Justice department, and all the dedicated public servants who work to keep this country safe from threats foreign and domestic. To put it quite simply, Trump and his party, the Republican Party, are willing to compromise the security of this country and forsake its highly prized political traditions in order to further their partisan political ends! This is despicable. It is how fascists, communists, and would be tyrants act.

Anyone who accepts the word of proven liars, such as Trump and his defenders, over the word of dedicated public servants and honest news people are fools! The willful ignorance of the people who say they do not know who to believe is downright stupid. Why do you think the Republicans oppose the release of a Report by Adam Schiff that shows the deceptions perpetrated by Devin Nunes? Is the Nunes Report a prelude to Trump replacing Rod Rosenstein with someone who will place unreasonable restraints on Mr. Mueller's investigation! Are we looking at another Saturday night massecre? Why do we no longer hear Republicans supporting a bill to protect Mueller and/or the investigation? Why are we not hearing any Republicans warning Trump not to fire Mueller?

The only thing that stands between us and tyranny is an informed electorate. The investigation of Trump and Russia must continue until the facts are uncovered and revealed. If we let Trump and the Republicans kill the investigations and destroy the very agencies and departments that protect us our democracy will die from terminal stupidity!