Sunday, February 4, 2018

Quote Of The Week

 “Stupid Is As Trump Does,” Forrest GOP

Did Herr Drumpf-Trump even read the memo by Herr Goebbels-Nunes? I ask this because both Trump and insanity Hannity say there is something in the memo that the rest of us cannot find. I will concede that the memo exudes an unmistakable odor of flatulence, but it fails to deliver on the threat to dump more substantive material. Which is to say that the allegations the Memo contains are not supported by any evidence of wrong doing on the part of the Justice Department, the FBI, Mr. Rosenstein, or Mr. Mueller. Yet here we have Trump, Hannity, and an assortment of Republican stooges and sycophants trying to convince us that the Nunes memo is the greatest expose since the Pentagon Papers!

Sadly, if you are stupid enough to think that Fox News and other right wing disinformation factories actually present news you are probably stupid enough to accept the disinformation without question and look no further!  It is for you that the Trumpian winds blow.  Welcome to them.  They tell the rest of us it is time to change the soiled diapers covering Trumps ass!

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