Sunday, May 13, 2018


The stench from the soiled diapers covering Donald Trump's corrupt ass has a nation gasping for fresh air. Thanks to those diapers (Devin Nunez, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, et al.) we do not have anything like the Senate Judiciary Committee carrying out a Watergate style investigation with the sort of public hearings that kept people glued to their television sets in anticipation of finding out what the President knew and when he knew it! That is why Michael Avenatii has become such a phenomenon. He is filling a void that should be filled by patriotic representatives of the people – which is something Republican Senators and Congress members, with very few exceptions, have not been in at least ten years.

Without the daily drama of public congressional or senate hearings rumors and leaks replace solid information, and that makes it much easier for the dumb asses to remain willfully ignorant! Kudos to Morning Joe for juxtaposing video clips of the shameless lackey, Mike Pence calling for an end to the Mueller investigation and Richard Nixon calling for an end to the Watergate investigation. It was as if Mr. Pence had opened a time capsule to release and echo Mr. Nixon's anguished cry of guilty indignation and desperate obfuscation!

Meanwhile, the fascist idiot in chief, Donald Trump, is trying to deflect attention away from the sundry investigations and court actions against him and/or his associates by ending an agreement that was keeping Iran from developing nuclear weapons and by beginning negotiations that are supposed end North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Consistency is obviously a concept Mr. Trump does not grasp or place in high regard. I might add that ending the Iranian agreement and opening an embassy in Jerusalem as well as threatening to abandon our allies in Syria is only adding to the instability in the mid-East, and it demonstrates just how dangerously ignorant and impulsively stupid Trump really is. That ignorance and stupidity does not bode well for finding solutions in Korea either.

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