do Republican diapers trying to cover the ass of the most corrupt and
incompetent president in our nation's history do when a witness at a
congressional hearing is testifying against that president? What do
they do when the evidence seems to make the witness's descriptions of
the president's indefensible acts all too credible? The answer is
that they, the diapers, do not try to defend the president or his
actions. In fact they do not even mention the president if they can
avoid it; instead they point to the witness and say that the stench
you find so objectionable is coming from him. So during the
testimony of Micheal Cohen there was not a single congressman who
tried to defend Trump from the allegations made by Mr. Cohan. Which is to say that no congressmen denied that Trump committed the
criminal acts Mr. Cohan described or offered an exculpatory
explanation for any of Trump's actions.
While disparaging the character of a witness offering testimony damaging to your client in an effort to destroy that witness's credibility is a common defense tactic, it is unlikely that any objective observer would deem that to be an adequate defense in the absence of any denial of the allegations that witness is making. “You say the witness is lying? How do you know? What is the evidence? What is the alternative story? What is the truth? Unfortunately for the Republicans the alternative story is not self evident or credible. Mr. Cohan was testifying under oath and had everything to lose if he lied. Mr. Trump refuses to testify under oath. Furthermore, it is not exactly a state secret that Donald Trump lies about everything all the time. In fact the Washington Post Fact Checker says that “[i]n 759 days, President Trump has made 8,718 false or misleading claims.”
I have one word for the Republican Party and Trump's diapers. And that word is Watergate! The Republican Party defended Richard Nixon right up until the smoking gun was produced, and they did so in spite of the fact that his guilt was evident way before that gun was produced. The election following Nixon's resignation was a disaster for Republicans in spite of the fact that the hard right wing of the party remained loyal to the Republican Party and continued to deny Nixon's guilt. The base Republicans may hide from reality by cowering behind a dense wall of willful ignorance and self deception, but even uninformed independents who occasionally find themselves behind that wall will eventually peek over or around it. What should not be lost on the moral midgets in the Republican Party is that the chumps who think Trump can do no wrong are a minority. While that minority can control many primary elections, it cannot carry many general elections – particularly when independents finally figure out they have been had! Just take a look at the results of the last elections and at the recent polls, all of which show that Trump's disapproval rating is above fifty percent.
The shameless pandering of the Republican Party to Donald Trump demonstrates a complete lack of moral courage, and I would argue a lack of loyalty to this country. I say this because the Republicans are failing to protect and defend the vital interests of this country from Trump and Putin! To put it bluntly, the Republican Party is a disgraceful cluster of immoral demagogues and a serious threat to our democracy!
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