Sunday, July 28, 2019

Putin's Trump And Moscow Mitch

“Putin's Trump and Moscow Mitch do not work for America!” That Democratic (and democratic) war cry is inspired by Joe Scarborough calling Mitch McConnell, "Moscow Mitch." Ah, what the hell. Let's act like Republicans and try to have it both ways.  If someone asks Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's nickname for him Biden should laugh, then he should say: “You would think that someone who has spent the better part of sixty years practicing middle school insults could come up with something better than sleepy Joe, wouldn't you?"

One last thing.  On the subject of impeachment. Do the right thing. It will please your friends and confound your critics. The Democrats must keep their oath to defend the constitution. If Trump has committed impeachable offenses, and he has, he must be impeached. Furthermore, the political cost for doing the right thing is not what the timid seem to think it is. As The Hill has reported:

Professor [Allan Lichtman] who has correctly predicted 9 presidential elections says Trump will win in 2020 unless Democrats impeach.”

While I am not prepared to go as far as Professor Lichtman has, I will say that Democrats need to draw a strong distinction between their party (the party of patriots) and a Republican Party that now places its own partisan interests ahead of the best interests of this country. Donald Trump is a lawless president who is a clear and present threat to this country, its security, its institutions, and its democracy. Democrats must impeach him regardless of whether his morally bankrupt party prevents his removal from office! It is the right thing to do, and it draws a strong contrast between the Parties!

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