Monday, September 23, 2019

A Spine For Congress

We have all received them frequently, those communications from our members of congress urging us to send them money to help them get reelected. While I would encourage everyone to support public servants who fairly and ably represent their constituents, it is painfully obvious that many members of congress are in dire need of something other than money and votes. Please send Nancy Pelosi and the blue dog Democrats calcium and vitamin D supplements with instructions on how to use those supplements and an expressed wish that the supplements will help those congress members grow the backbones they need to defend our constitution from a corrupt, lawless, compromised president. The latest revelations about Trump soliciting (even implicitly extorting) the aid of the President of the Ukraine in Trump's efforts to smear Joe Biden, the leading Democratic candidate for President, is far more overt and therefore worse than Trump welcoming Russia's aid during the election of 2016. Furthermore Trump's obstruction and illegal defiance of congress in this latest scandal is far more blatant. The law is absolutely clear and unequivocal:

Once the relevant inspector general makes such a determination that the complaint credibly raises an urgent concern, he forwards it to the head of the agency – in this case, the DNI. The law then requires the DNI (or the relevant agency head) to forward the complaint to the congressional intelligence committees, along with any comments he wishes to make about the complaint, within seven days.”

If it was not evident before, it should be now. Donald Trump Must Be Impeached to Protect the legitimacy of our elections, our government from the corrupting influence a foreign Power, and the separation of powers enumerated in or constitution! There comes a time when doing the right thing is far more important than anything else. This is such a time! We are a nation of laws or we are not, that is our choice. 

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