Saturday, December 14, 2019

What Happened to Lindsey Graham?

I happened to be on a college campus the other day and overheard two undergraduates discussing Lindsey Graham. With the brashness of youth they stated their conjecture about him in terms generally favored by low brow Trump chumps, which is to say that some of you may be offended:

“Lindsey Graham has lost more than his mind,” one student said. “He has now become Trump's eunuch.”

“Oh, I know,” the other agreed. “And since becoming a eunuch poor Lindsey is finding it much easier to stick his head up his ass!”
Echo The Sounds Of Defiance!  The Republican defiance of law and reason is the result of a disgraceful intellectual and moral bankruptcy that lets the cowards justify in their own minds their refusal to honor the oath they took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States because the threat is coming from a President who is a member of their Republican Party!

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