Thursday, August 4, 2022

All Fall Down

Did you hear it? It was a great big thud coming form Kansas on August 2. It was the sound of the misogynistic elephant tripping over his sanctimony. The drama casters danced with joy. This is the sort of drama that draws the rubes to the pitchmen. Screw the polls! It does not matter that the polls have been showing just how out of step the fascist court and the R-fascist party are about a woman's right to choose; this is Kansas, deep red Kansas! “And,” the drama casters scream, “it, dead red Kansas, just gave the R-fascists and Moscow Mitch's politicized abomination (aka SCOTUS) the finger!” The pundits, though a bit more restrained than the drama casters, repeated those excited utterances as they rushed to Kansas to examine the prints the elephant's prat fall must have left on the political landscape.

“Epic! Downright epic ass plant,” they Dare say. But what does it mean? For better than a decade the party of the Greedy Old Plutocrats has been waging a cruel war on women, and they have been getting away with it -- much to the frustration of we rational beings. Now the Republicans are in full fascist mode and are trampling on the rights of voters, veterans, women, LGTBQ people and everyone who loves liberty and democracy. Hopefully the Dobbs decision and all of the sanctimonious fascist Republicans trying to stamp out a woman's right to control her own body and make her own reproductive choices will be the last straw! While I cannot say the Kansas thud indicates that the Republicans' anti-choice position will lead to the election victories the Democrats are hoping for, I can say with certainty that the message Kansas sent is not a good one for the R-fascists.

Wake up America! Those fact denying MAGA fascists subverting our system of government and burning up our constitution are a plague* on our house, and all I can say to them is: “Ashes! Ashes! All fall down!" Never rise again!

*Since the R-fascists are so fond of a mythical history of our nation rather than actual history, I thought this play on "Ring around the rosie” was appropriate. 

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