In an earlier post I entitled “Eating Your Own,” I pointed out that Senator Lindsey Graham criticized the birthers and the idiots like Glen Beck on Fox. Recently, David Frum, a former speech writer for George W. Bush, said Republicans thought Fox worked for them, but they are now discovering that they work for Fox. He also indicated that the Republican Party has to back away from lunatics like Glen Beck and this self proclaimed news organization that has absolutely no regard for the facts. Now we have Senator Tom Coburn saying that Nancy Pelosi is a nice lady, and people should recognize that even though they disagree with her. He also indicated that the Republicans have to back away from Fox. I could not believe my ears! This is the same Tom Coburn I blasted for going on Meet The Press and saying that the anger and vitriol of the tea party crowd was justified. Could it be that the violence and threats of violence stirred up by the outrageous lies and fear mongering of the Republican Party are finally making members of that party think twice about pandering to delusional fears?
I would like to think the Republican Party is now trying to separate itself from the lunatic fringe, but it is far too early to reach that conclusion. What Messrs. Graham, Frum, and Coburn have said is a good start, but there are still Republicans like Congressperson Cantor who actually blame the victims for the violence. Furthermore, even if the majority of the Republican Party joins those senators in trying to tone down the irresponsible rhetoric, doing so is only a start. It does not mean that members of that party will start taking some responsibility for governing this great nation. It does not mean they will negotiate in good faith and help pass badly needed legislation. Regardless of that, I applaud the efforts of Messrs. Graham, Frum, and Coburn. I sincerely hope this is the first step in restoring the concept of the loyal opposition.
As I have said before, I honestly believe that the survival of the Republican Party depends on the ability of its leadership to move it back to the center. I do not envy them. This is going to be a very difficult and risky task. They have danced with the devil, and he is not going to settle for a good night kiss. Their base has shrunk to the point that the extremists have become too influential. Just ask John McCain. He is trying to change the maverick image he cultivated during the presidential election, and he is now trying to convince the extremists that he is and always has been one of them. He is doing this out of desperation. He is in serious danger of losing the primary. Republicans who try to appeal to reason will find themselves in a similar situation. It is almost a damned if you do and damned if you don’t scenario. Reforming the Republican Party may seem hopeless, but I am reminded of something my father once told me. He said that “whenever you are in doubt as to what is in your best interest, set self interest aside. Simply do what you believe is right and hope someone notices.”
I have enough faith to believe that people will notice when you set aside your interests to do the right thing. Setting aside your interests, however, is a sacrifice, and it is likely to take some time to regain what you have given up. It will probably take years for responsible Republicans to get their party on track again, but it is well worth the effort. The fate of their party is in their hands, and their fate is ultimately tied to the fate of their party and their country. My advice to Republicans is to look at the larger picture. If you must go down fighting, go down fighting for the right things. The true patriot is not the person who does what is easy; the true patriot is the person who does what is best for his country. We need two strong parties that are capable of honestly competing with each other, but are still capable of reaching reasonable compromises to do what is clearly in the best interest of this nation.
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