Saturday, November 22, 2014

Idiot's Delight:

How are the Republicans celebrating their mid-term victory? Apparently they are celebrating by playing the political equivalent of idiots delight. The rules are quite simple: first you defund President Obama's executive order regarding immigration, regardless of the fact that nothing in the order requires any funding. This, I guess, pleases the idiots who make up the Republican base without causing harm to others; not a bad deal when you think about it. The other thing you do is file an expensive and frivolous law suit against President Obama regarding the Affordable Care Act. Given the fact that we now have the most politicized and worst Supreme Court in our history, this suit does have the potential to be harmful! I am, however, trying to demonstrate some optimism about this suit by saying that even the five injustices of our Supreme Court would not stoop to ruling illegal the sort of executive order that has been issued by every President since WWII.

I might add here that there is no fact the Republicans will not ignore or lie about. Ronald Reagan was the President who granted undocumented immigrants amnesty, and both Reagan and G. H. W. Bush used executive orders to prevent the deportation of undocumented immigrants. So did Reagan and G. H. W. Bush violate the Constitution? And what the hell is it about the executive order regarding immigrants that would prevent Republicans from passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill, other than the fact that they feel so insulted by the order that they are going to pick up their toys and go home? Picking up their toys and going home seems to be what Republicans do best.  I wish I had a job that required so little time in the work place.

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