Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dish This!

It is not Bill Oh'Really or Insanity Hannity that Fox News is putting forward to try to browbeat Dish into giving Fox what it wants. No sir, Fox is going for the indignation of women. That's right, they want momma to be pissed off because Dish is depriving her of her daily dose of paranoid drivel. So do we have a war on the sanity of women? Hell, no! Fox is merely protecting the right of women to be as paranoid and stupid as grumpy, racist, old white men. And liberal objections to calling Fox's mind rot “news” are like Michelle Obama criticizing labels touting the health benefits of artery clogging foods. In fact, the women on Fox are saying this is about the freedom to eat whatever you can afford to buy, and to believe whatever you want to believe regardless of how absurd or harmful that belief may be! Well all right, I may have misstated what the women on Fox are actually saying: according to Fox you are free to believe anything that fits into the right wing paradigm; any other belief is considered toxic to the oligopoly and therefore unpatriotic.

I would like to think that taking Fox off the air is an effort on the part of Dish to defend journalistic integrity by getting rid of the network that has no integrity (journalistic or otherwise). Unfortunately, that is not the case. Dish is not doing it to increase the IQ of its average viewer by getting rid of the dullards either. In spite of what Fox or Dish might want you to think, this is not about the rights of either of the parties or their viewers. This dispute is about MONEY!  Frankly, I am enjoying the show, but then I'm not jonesing for a fix of paranoid absurdity.  If you are jonesing for such a fix, try watching the lame stream media.  I know it is not the same, but they do quote politicians of both parties without pointing out the errors or lies of those politicians, and you are still free to believe whatever you want to believe.

1 comment:

  1. Now I have to correct what I have said above because Bill Oh'Really is saying this is about freedom of speech, thereby insulting the intelligence of everyone with an IQ above eighty. That of course is not new to Fox!
