It seems as though Secretary of State
Clinton had the temerity to do something every Secretary of State has
done since government officials started using e-mails – to wit she
used her private e-mail account when conducting the government's
business. There was no law against her doing that at the time, but
that has not stopped the hue and cry of Republicans who have nothing
but fear and loathing to sell. There is a law against it now so it
obviously should not have been done then, they piously say. What is
Hillary hiding? Could it be the same thing all those other Secretaries of State were hiding? Or could it be something connected to the
fizzling issue that has been chafing the elephant's crotch since
Grand Inquisitor Gowdy insists that he
needs all of Hillary's e-mails to get to the bottom of Benghazi, and
apparently to get to the bottom of whatever else he might want to
scratch. Mr. Gowdy is encouraged in doing this by the drama casters
in the lame stream media who are agog over allegations that Hillary
Clinton might have deleted something relevant. She is a Clinton
after all, and we all know scandal follows the Clintons. “Give us
all,” they wail. “We want it all!” That apparently means even
the documents that are classified. That will not happen, and the
sound they will hear as the Republicans try to tie Hillary's use of
her private e-mail account to Benghazi will be the sound of snoring!
The real news flash is that no one who is inclined to vote for a
Democrat is going to be impressed by grandiloquent accusations about
Benghazi and e-mails; that boat load of bull shit has already sailed!
The lame stream media would be well advised to stick to the real
issues and leave the phony ones to the Fox disinformation factory.
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