I might add here that books carry more weight than blogs or news stories even though the sources of information in the books are often as questionable as the sources of erroneous news stories. The reason I am bringing this up is because of a new book entitled Clinton Cash... by Peter Schweizer, and published by HarperCollins, which is owned by the king of right wing prevaricators, Rupert Murdoch. As Media Matters warns:
should be cautious with Republican activist and strategist Peter
Schweizer's new book Clinton
Schweizer has a disreputable history of reporting marked by errors
and retractions, with numerous reporters excoriating him for facts
that "do not check out," sources that "do not exist,"
and a basic failure to practice "Journalism 101."”
In spite of the shady reputation of the author, the known sensational falsehoods presented as facts by so many of the so called news outlets owned by Murdoch, and the warning issued by Media Matters and others a quick Google search will bring up the following, and this is just a partial list:
So far even though the Republicans have been throwing shovels full of crap at Hillary Clinton none of it has stuck. It looks to me like they have just launched another swift boat full of crap. I say this while having to admit that I have not put on my waders to slop through the muck that is too likely to infest Schweizer's tale. I must also admit that I am not inclined to pay for privilege of finding out how smelly that muck is. If I am going to pay for fear and loathing I would rather have Hunter Thompson's heirs profit from it than Rupert Murdoch and some disreputable political hack who apparently has no conscience.
In spite of the shady reputation of the author, the known sensational falsehoods presented as facts by so many of the so called news outlets owned by Murdoch, and the warning issued by Media Matters and others a quick Google search will bring up the following, and this is just a partial list:
Fox News-Apr 20, 2015
Laura Ingraham told viewers Monday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that the latest scandal to plague the presidential candidacy of Hillary ...
New Book, 'Clinton Cash,' Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation
Highly Cited-New York Times-Apr 19, 2015
Highly Cited-New York Times-Apr 19, 2015
Only one presidential candidate voted for war with Iraq: Hillary Clinton
Opinion-Baltimore Sun-Apr 20, 2015
Opinion-Baltimore Sun-Apr 20, 2015
Blog-Washington Post (blog)-Apr 21, 2015
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