Cue the circus music, and gather the boys and girls. Trump's clown extravaganza promises chills and shills and eventually nostrums.
“So Start Da Music! Let the show begin!”
And so it began - almost. The first rule of planning is that nothing goes exactly according to plan. So the tent was raised and the audience had gathered, but there were a few procedural matters that had to be attended to before the show could begin. The procedural matters began with a scavenger hunt for the secretary of the convention or an appropriate surrogate who had the authority to accept on the secretary's behalf the petitions signed by the delegates of the nine states that were demanding a roll call vote on whether to adopt the proposed rules of the convention. As the hunt was being conducted what Ken Cuccinelli described as RNC brown shirts were browbeating, intimidating and otherwise coercing the signers of that petition into recanting their signatures.
Eventually the Chairman of the convention said that the petitions lacked the number of states required to compel a roll call vote. And with that the chairman held the voice vote. “The Ayes have it,” he ruled, “and without objection” the motion to adopt the rules is passed. He said this as hundreds of people were chanting “Roll Call Vote!” in protest and others were yelling into microphones that had been shut off so the chairman could ignore the “point of order” objections. Welcome to the new RNC world order of Trump. Just ignore what you saw and heard folks because the motion was passed and the rules were adopted without objection; the honorable chairman said so and so it was ruled!
And where was RNC Chairman Reince Priebus during this charade? He was off doing the political duck and cover he has developed into an art form since it became obvious that Trump was going to be the nominee. In the spirit of bipartisanship, however, he might teach his moves to Debbi Wasserman-Schultz if she asks him pretty please.
Anyhow, after the last vestiges of protest finally ended for the day, the substantive (aka Trumped up) part of the convention began. The program promised to show the boys and girls just how scary clowns can be, particularly fascist clowns who build their entire acts around stirring up the fear and loathing of their audiences. So the clowns set about blaming Hillary Clinton for all the evil in the world, except for the holocaust -- but only because even factually challenged Republicans have to admit that she is too young to have participated in the holocaust or the Russian Revolution. I know that is disappointing but the Republicans have an alternative. In spite of all the independent investigations and hearings that exonerate Hillary Clinton, the Republican fiction writers have developed a horror story about a real historical tragedy and they trotted out the mother of one of the victims of the attack at Benghazi to help ascribe blame for the tragedy to Hillary Clinton and infer what kind of evil Hillary is capable of committing.
Only an inference I say, but the Greedy Old Plutocrats beg to differ with me. It is evidence the Republicans say. And after exploiting the grief of this poor lady who lost her son at Benghazi, the Republicans put on more speakers who made the unsubstantiated charges against Hillary Clinton more explicit. Not the least disgruntled of those speakers was Rudy Giuliani who is still lashing out over the embarrassment he suffered in 2008 when he left his ass prints in Florida on the road to the white house. The rest of the speakers bearing false witness against Hillary Clinton are so dismal and insignificant that I did not watch them and will not write about them. Come on folks: Joni (cut off everything productive) Ernst and Tom (“Dear Ayatollah”) Cotton(mouth). It would take a microscope to find any brains in that brain trust!
The highlight and the only seemingly positive part of the program was the speech by Melonia Trump. This very attractive lady delivered it with poise and charm. Needless to say that the audience received her speech with the same enthusiasm that Democrats received it when Michelle Obama delivered it at their convention in 2008. Regardless of the fact that Melania told Lester Holt she had written the speech with very little help everyone seems willing to give her a pass on the plagiarism. Presidential candidates have professional speech writers and the speakers customarily take credit for the speeches those professionals write. Does that mean that Melonia is as much of a victim as the grieving lady who was used as a tool in the villainization of Hillary Clinton? I will leave it to you to answer that question, but stay tuned in.
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