Thursday, July 21, 2011

Burn It down

Bill Maher said it best. He said that people who voted for Republicans in the 2010 elections have no right to complain about the Casey Anthony verdict because those voters ignored all the evidence in regard to what the Republican Party was doing. Political analysts all look for some deeper meaning in the election results, and the victorious party always touts its stated agenda as the reason why the voters elected them. No one wants to believe how capricious voters can be. Bill Maher, however, hit the nail right on the head. The truth is that low information, independent voters expressed their frustration over the lagging recovery by throwing a temper tantrum. In doing that those voters gave economic terrorists control of the Republican Party and the House of Representatives. While it is true that the economic terrorists did not ascend to positions of leadership in the House it is their extreme anti-government philosophy that is mistakenly accepted as the reason why the Republican Party did so well in those elections. What passes for leaders in Republican Party now cower in fear of those extremists. So how did this happen?

In this blog I have been saying that the Republican Party is morally and intellectually bankrupt. For those who have not studied enough history to already know the fallacy of trickle down economics and deregulation the crash of 2007-2008 revealed those fallacies. The problem for the Republicans is that they accept those fallacious theories as a matter of faith, and they do not have an effective leader who is capable of adjusting to reality. With nothing constructive to offer, the Republicans concentrated their efforts on obstructing the implementation of measures we traditionally use to recover from recessions. Their goal in doing this was to stall the recovery and create a situation that would make the uninformed voters lash out at all incumbents, and it worked. The Democrats lost their majority in the House of Representatives as well as many governorships and state legislatures. The result was and still is chaos and legislative gridlock. Chaos is and always has been a condition favorable to demagogues and extremists, and it was the demagogues and extremists that were elected in 2010. Those extremists are now acting like economic terrorist by not raising the debt ceiling. Not even the warning issued by Ronald Reagan, who they claim to revere and have almost beatified, can dissuade those lunatics from causing this country to default on its debts. Make no mistake about it those economic terrorists actually want to cause another depression.

The reason why they want to send us into a depression is because they think they can tap into the anger this would create to advance their radical social and economic agenda. They really want to overturn Row v. Wade and to destroy Planned Parenthood, labor unions and all of the agencies responsible for protecting our air and the safety of our water and our food. Their economic agenda is to free all industry from any and all government regulation. They believe that a depression will allow them to defund the new Consumer Protection Agency, which is responsible for protecting us from the irresponsible actions of the banks and Wall Street among other things. But this is not all they want to destroy. The also want to destroy Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. They have already passed through the House of Representatives the Ryan Plan, which would turn Medicare into a private voucher program while providing still more huge tax breaks for the rich. George W. Bush tried and failed to privatize Social Security and Congressman Sessions has introduced yet another bill to privatize it. Furthermore the Republicans have attached to the bill to fund the FAA a rider that would destroy all of the labor unions in the aviation industry. The only thing preventing the Republicans from accomplishing those destructive goals at this time is the fact that the President is a Democrat and the Democrats still hold a majority in the Senate. That, however, could change if the Republicans are able to create a depression and the voters are foolish enough to blame the Democrats for causing it.

Do not be fooled by this claptrap about the deficit. If the Republicans were really serious about reducing it they would endorse a balanced plan that would provide increased revenue as well as spending cuts. The reason why they will not do that and are insisting on drastic cuts in expenditures is because they want to destroy all social programs and all of the agencies that would make our large corporations, Wall Street and the banks behave responsibly. They do not give a damn about high unemployment; they are more than willing to take down our entire economy and throw hundreds of thousands of people out of work in order to further their despicable agenda.

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