Thursday, July 7, 2011

A One Term President

This is a rant. In my previous post I stated what President Obama must do in regard to the Republicans holding the debt ceiling hostage and why he must stand firm. What has me so angry is that he is giving every indication that he is going appease them. He appears to be drifting with the tide like a jellyfish with no stingers. He appears to be someone who stands for nothing because he will not fight for anything. He has broken his sword by saying he will not use the 14th Amendment in this fight, and he is hinting that he might accept a deal in which some of the benefits of Social Security, Medicare and/or Medicate will be reduced. Such a deal must not stand! The Democratic Party has to fight for the people of this country. Democratic members of Congress must tell him they will reject any compromise that reduces the benefits of Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid in any way.

The surest way for President Obama to become a one term President is to make any cuts to the benefits of those programs. If he does this, the independent voters will not be able to tell the difference between him and the economic terrorists. He will also lose my vote and the votes of many of the people in his base. We would rather have an enemy we know than a friend we cannot trust! I am afraid it is up to Congress to save him from himself. If he faces a revolt from members of his own party he just might grow a backbone. It would be a real tragedy if such a talented man goes down in history as one of our most disappointing Presidents. The election of 2012 is his for the taking if he has the courage to stand firm and to tell his Wall Street buddies that it is the Republicans who are hosing them by trying to set a precedent we cannot and will not permit.

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