Friday, November 18, 2011

Carousel Of Clowns

“Oh, the horses go up and down. The merry goes round and round…”

The music plays as Republican clowns riding papier-mâché horses made from special interest checks slide up and down the polls. Herman Cain is showing a rather remarkable dexterity. It is not easy to give voice to your ignorance while tripping over your own dick. The joke is not funny to the women he has landed on. Rick Perry is the better clown. Mr. Perry’s pratfalls on his cerebral frost are actually funny. The joke with Newt Gingrich is that the hawking of his snake oil is being disrupted by the ride. Unfortunately for him his calls of “look at me” are actually causing people to look at him rather than the snake oil he is trying to sell. Denying that he ever worked as a lobbyist simply reminds us of the violations of ethics that cost him his seat in the House of Representatives. Loosely attached to one of the horses is an empty suit with the brand name of Mitt Romney. That horse does not rise and fall as much as the other horses, but the empty suit still draws our attention by waving in any direction the political wind is blowing. Most of the pundits are predicting that the empty suit be at the top when the Republican carrousel stops.

The real joke is that there are actually people who are taking those clowns seriously. All of those clowns have one thing in common; they all advocate the same failed economic policies that ran us into the ditch and caused such a great disparity in the distribution of the wealth of this nation! Clowns are often called fools and those fools are so intellectually bankrupt that they do not even heed the words of Henry Ford, who is often called our greatest industrialist. It was Henry Ford who told us that everyone prospers when the people who make the products can afford to buy the products! It will not matter which clown is on top when the Republican carrousel stops. If you vote for any of them, the joke is on you!

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